Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Copyright © 2011New Testament Ministries. All rights
Writings contained herein are by the author unless otherwise
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any
means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or
otherwise—without the prior permission of the copyright
holder, except as provided by USA copyright law.
Printed in the United States of America.
All Scriptures are taken from the King James Bible.
ISBN # 978-1-61119-055-7
Printed by Calvary Publishing
A Ministry of Parker Memorial Baptist Church
1902 East Cavanaugh Road, Lansing, Michigan 48910
Page 5
Gracie Lovato
Mora, New Mexico
July20, 2005 – May 13, 2011
This sweet little girl loved to sing,
The B-I-B-L-E
That’s the book for me
I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E
Another one of her favorite songs was:
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the BIBLE tells me so.
Little ones to him belong,
We are weak but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so!
Although Gracie didn’t know how to
explain the Scriptures, the Bible teaches
that every person is sent into the world for
a distinct purpose.
Page 6
The Bible which she sang about gives
the lessons that God wanted us to learn
from Gracie’s life. As her friend and older
brother in the Lord, God allowed me to be
the instrument to reveal them.
Our prayer is
May her little life touch the lives of
many and bring the peace, comfort and
salvation which Gracie experienced.
Page 7
A gift of Comfort
Presented to
By Someone Who Cares
A short personal message
Page 8
Page 9
Recently, I attended the funeral of
a friend of mine. I marveled at how
beautiful she was, laying there in her
casket surrounded by all of her favorite
stuffed animals, just sleeping. Gracie’s
short race through life didn’t even reach
her sixth birthday….then she was gone!
Page 10
My mind
questioned, “What
was Gracie’s
purpose? What
message was God
attempting to
communicate to the
world through her
brief appearance on
Since God had
to override my own
dear mothers attempt in her deep state
of bereavement and confusion to abort
me I am very aware that God has a
distinct purpose for everyone’s life.
Apostle Paul made this point very clear
in his letter to young Timothy.(1)
When God struck Paul down in
conviction on the road to Damascus he
proclaimed, “I have appeared unto thee
for this purpose.”(2)
II Timothy 1:9
“Who hath saved
us, and called [us]
with an holy calling,
not according to our
works, but
according to his
own purpose and
grace, which was
given us in Christ
Jesus before the
world began,”
Page 11
Acts 26:15-16a
“And I said, Who
art thou, Lord?
And he said, I am
Jesus whom thou
I have appeared
unto thee for
this purpose…”
In a day when the
nation of Israel had
rebelled against God
and turned a deaf ear
to God’s prophets he
used a man’s life to
illustrate his message.
Much of the book of
Hosea reveals God’s
illustrated message to his people. (3)
In today’s
society where the
Lord’s Day *Sunday+
has become just
another day in the
week and the Bible is
looked down on it
would be very
possible for God to
send another
illustrated message
through the short life
of a little girl?
Hosea 1:2 “The
beginning of the
word of the
LORD by Hosea.
And the LORD
said to Hosea, Go,
take unto thee a
wife of
whoredoms and
children of
whoredoms: for
the land hath
committed great
[departing] from
the LORD.”
Page 12
Jesus said of all the people around him
there was none greater then John the
There are several
scriptures which
announce the purpose
of John’s life. He was
sent to prepare the
way before Jesus first
coming. He was to
baptize Jesus and
introduce him to the nation of Israel. (4)
As God began to move in my mind
and I pondered these questions, I
thought, “Why not let Gracie answer
these questions and tell her story,
regardless of how brief it may have
Before we get to her message we
will introduce her and the family which
God chose for her to be a part of.
“There was a
man sent
from God,
whose name
was John.”
John 1:6
Page 13
Chapter Two
A Mothers Version of
Gracie’s Troubled Life
The Bible states that one’s life on
this earth is as “a story that is told”. The
following chapter is a brief summary of
Gracie’s life as told by her mother
perfectly illustrated that truth.
God prepared a special little
person and sent her into the world. Her
life impacted every person she
encountered. Now she is gone… but her
influence lingers on.
Page 14
Listen to her story as told by her mother,
Anita Lovato.
May 2005
My friend and mid-wife, Sheri
Raphaelson, came to our home for a prenatal
checkup because I was concerned
that the baby was only moving twice a
day. This did not seem normal as I was
28 weeks along in my pregnancy and my
uterus should have measured 28 weeks,
however the uterus measured 35 weeks
instead. At the end of the appointment,
Sheri is certain the size discrepancy of
my uterus is a definite sign that my baby
could be born with complications;
complications which include: Spina
Bifida, swallow and brain problems. For
a moment, in my heart I worried, and
then God gave me immediate peace. I
remembered telling Sheri that whatever
God’s will was for my baby, we would
trust Him. After my check-up, Sheri
Page 15
scheduled an ultrasound appointment to
check for any noticeable abnormalities,
and I am faced with the possibility of not
being able to give birth at home. When
the ultrasound was completed at Santa
Fe Imaging, nothing was found abnormal
with the baby. The baby was the right
size, the bag had the right amount of
water, and everything measured and
looked normal. Throughout the
pregnancy I was sure I was having a boy
and I wanted to confirm this through the
ultrasound test, but Jake did not want to
know the sex of the baby. He enjoyed
the surprise of waiting till the birth,
because we both knew whether our
baby was a boy or girl, he or she would
truly be a blessing. However, I continued
to believe I was having a boy. As we left
Santa Fe, we thanked God for the normal
test results of the ultrasound and
continued to prepare for home delivery
of our soon to come baby.
Page 16
Months after this ultrasound and
Gracie’s birth, Sheri who is also a lawyer,
sent a letter to Santa Fe Imaging
explaining the condition and
complications of Gracie’s birth, and their
response to the letter was that no test is
ever 100% accurate. That day, God had
hidden the true results of Gracie’s
condition—even from the medical
experts who could have revealed her
abnormalities. Through it all God was
working his perfect plan for her life.
Page 17
July 20, 2005
Early on the morning of July 20th, I
started the labor process in order to give
birth to my new baby, and I am still
certain the new addition to our family
will be a boy. We had previously decided
he (the new baby) would be named,
Isaac Judah, which means laughterpraise
in the Hebrew translation. For
each of the pregnancies of the previous
six children I would ask the Lord to give
me a scripture to meditate on for the
duration of each labor, and that morning
I asked the Lord for something I could
use to comfort myself as I would
undergo the labor and birth of my baby,
either a song, Bible verse, or a prayer.
When I opened my Bible, God led me to
II Corinthians 12:9, as I pondered on this
verse, I questioned the Lord asking Him,
“I already know this verse, Lord,” (I had
memorized this verse in 2001 quoting it
to my mother-in-law, Carlota Lovato,
Page 18
before she underwent heart surgery) and
the Lord said to me, “This is the one I
want you to think about today.” II
Corinthians 12:9 reads, "My grace is
sufficient for thee: for my strength is
made perfect in weakness. Most gladly
therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may
rest upon me." Upon reading this
scripture, I felt the Lord piercing my
heart about the infirmities, yet I thought
of the heavy labor I would soon endure,
and assumed that was the infirmity God
was showing me--I never related the
infirmities to my baby. (Just recently I
looked up the meaning of infirmity and it
was the description of Gracie’s life, how
Powerful God is!)
July 20th, 9:20 pm.
After several hours of labor, my
baby is born! Sheri immediately
wrapped the baby in receiving blankets
Page 19
and the baby was warmly placed in the
arms of Esther, my daughter, who at the
time was fifteen years old. Previously,
after each birth of my children, Sheri
would quickly wrap each baby and
sometimes in the excitement of the birth
we did not see if a boy or girl had been
born. This night, I did not check the sex
of my new baby, yet I assumed this was
my boy. However, to my surprise, Esther
excitedly proclaims, “It's a girl!” For the
first time in twelve pregnancies, I had
not chosen a girl’s name. The kids began
to ask, “What is her name Mom?” As I
mentioned earlier, I was positive this was
a boy, so a girl’s name was not on our
list. I told the children that I would need
to pray about her name and that I would
have one by the next day. When I finally
held my beautiful baby girl, all bundled
in her blankets, I truly felt blessed to
hold my 12th bundle of joy, not yet
realizing just how mightily she would be
used by God—not only in my and my
Page 20
family's lives, but in the lives of others as
As I looked at her little fingers
poking out of the blanket, they were all I
could see, I realized how different they
seemed. Also, her cry, at birth, was not
the same tone of my other newborns
and I thought within myself, “This baby
seems different, but it is probably all in
my mind.” When I attempted nursing
her, she was unable to create suction, so
I looked in her mouth. She seemed to
have what looked like soft pink teeth. I
asked Sheri to come over and look at
her, and when she examined the baby’s
mouth, Sheri explained that it appeared
my baby had a cleft palate. Immediately,
Jake and Emilee, my second-oldest
daughter, went to Walmart to buy baby
bottles and formula in order to nourish
the baby. Meanwhile Sheri began a full
examination of the baby and discovered
numerous health issues. After Jake and
Page 21
Emilee returned with the feeding
supplies for the baby, a bottle was
prepared for her, but when she is given
the bottle to suck, she is still unable to
create suction. By now, Sheri is sure the
baby will need to be admitted to the Los
Alamos Medical Center, with specific
care from Dr. Jaqueline Krohn, the
pediatrician we chose for all of our
children. I tried overhearing Sheri in the
next room, but she spoke very quietly so
I could not hear the abnormalities
concerning the baby and the diagnosis.
When I knew the baby was headed for
the hospital, I wanted to go in with her,
however, because of complications I
suffered after the birth I was told to stay
home and drink fluids to accomodate the
severe blood loss I experienced. Jake did
not give me a choice of going and I had
no choice but to stay behind to rest and
pray—which was very difficult for me to
Page 22
We made preparations for the
baby to be taken to the hospital in Los
Alamos, NM, and around 1:30 am Jake
and Esther were ready for the trip. The
children asked again for the baby’s
name, but I did not have one just yet.
Since we needed to admit her to the
hospital, I needed to decide on a name.
After several suggestions, I began to
think of II Corinthians 12:9, and the parts
of the verse that read, “My Grace is
sufficient… and most gladly therefore
will I rather Glory in my infirmities,” and
that was it. I decided that her name
would be Grace Glory Lovato. So my
baby was admitted to the Los Alamos
Medical Center on July 21, as Grace
Lovato. For myself, it was a very long
night to pass the time worrying about
the well-being of my infant, but morning
finally came. The day of the 21st, I
anxiously awaited word from Jake about
Grace, and when he finally called to give
a report and diagnosis from Dr. Krohn, I
Page 23
Grace was now
diagnosed with a
heart defect, swollen
Fontanel, hand and
foot contractures,
Cleft Palate, Club
Foot, deaf in both
ears and probably
mentally retarded
with some form of
was shocked to hear that Grace had
been born with extensive infirmities—
infirmities I never anticipated she would
possess. Jake and I discussed the extent
of Gracie’s
abnormalities which
continued with a
swollen fontanel
(soft spot), club foot
(on both feet), cleft
palate, deaf in both
ears and the
probability of being
mentally delayed
with some form of a syndrome. And her
little hands that I thought were different
also had defects. I could not believe
what I was hearing, yet as I discussed
Grace’s condition with Jake, I began to
realize why God had pierced my heart
the morning of my labor when I read II
Cor. 12:9. God, in His omniscient (allknowing)
way had impressed, on my
heart, what I truly believe was Gracie’s
Page 24
condition at birth. I immediately asked
Jake to come home and take me to the
hospital. Although we did not know, Dr.
Krohn already knew Grace would face
heart issues because of a loud heart
murmur she could hear and an enlarged
liver she could feel.
As I waited for Jake to come home
and take me to the hospital, I thought of
the name Grace Glory and the scripture
in II Corinthians. Jake had a great-great
grandmother named Altagracia Lovato
and a grandmother named Altagracia
Trujillo, and as I thought more, I felt that
Grace’s legal name should be changed to
Altagracia, and her middle name, Glory,
changed to Gloria, which in Spanish
means Heaven. Altagracia Gloria Lovato:
Grace on High Heaven Lovato. If I had
planned for Gracie’s name it would
never have been Altagracia or Grace.
There was a pretty little girl by the name
of Grace Sandoval at our church, so I
Page 25
never thought to name our baby Grace
and the name Altagracia was not to my
liking. After deciding on Altagracia
Gloria, I knew this name was of the Lord
and not of my own choosing—and later,
the name was perfect and proved
appropriate for her, according to her life.
God had given her this name. After Jake
arrived home, and we were headed back
to the hospital, I revealed my desire to
change Grace’s legal name to Altagracia
Gloria, and he was pleased with the
change. That night I stayed with Grace
at the hospital, and the next morning Dr.
Krohn began making arrangements for
Grace to be transferred to UNM Hospital
in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Krohn
explained the reason for Grace’s transfer
to UNM, was because of the heart
murmur she could hear, and began to
talk of heart surgery in California at
Stanford University. I, Jake, and Esther
were concerned and began to prepare
Page 26
ourselves for what was ahead in
Albuquerque and California.
On July 22nd, I waited all day for
word from Dr. Krohn about a transfer to
UNM Hospital, but it never came.
Apparently the cardiologist at UNM, who
Dr. Krohn spoke with, recommended we
make an appointment for Monday, July
25th, with Dr. Krohn, in order to perform
an EKG (in order to confirm the heart
defect) and hearing test on Grace. We
were puzzled with the response from the
UNM doctor, because of the urgency of a
heart defect, but did not question UNM’s
decision against an immediate transfer.
We were discharged from the hospital
on Friday, July 22, 2005, so we took our
sweet little baby home, not realizing the
trial that was ahead.
Page 27
July 25th—Dr. Jacqueline Krohn’s Office
On Monday, the 25th, we returned
to Dr. Krohn’s office for Gracie’s EKG and
hearing tests. When the EKG turned up
with irregularities, again Dr. Krohn
addressed the possibility of taking Gracie
to Stanford University in California for
heart surgery—Dr. Krohn was positive
Gracie was facing heart issues. By now,
Gracie’s liver was very enlarged, which
was the absolute sign that Gracie had a
heart defect. After several newbornhearing
tests, which Gracie failed (each
one), it was confirmed she was deaf. It
was hard not to cry, but I told Dr. Krohn
that since Grace was deaf we would
learn sign language and do our best to
take care of her every need. I
questioned Dr. Krohn about Grace’s
mental condition, and her response was;
because of Grace’s high pitched cry, it
was very likely she was mentally delayed.
Even though the future looked grim, I
Page 28
had peace that everything was going to
be okay. I knew that no matter what the
outcome, I would love this baby despite
her condition. Later, Dr. Krohn faxed the
EKG test results to the cardiologist at
UNM Hospital, who then made an
appointment the following day for Gracie
to be seen in his office. Again, we were
concerned of the delay to send Grace to
UNM Hospital, so I asked Dr. Krohn to
call the doctor and request that Grace be
seen this same day. We expressed that
we trusted Dr. Krohn’s concern and
shared the urgency she had for Grace to
be seen by a cardiologist, and that we
were prepared to go the very same day
to UNM if need be. However, the
cardiologist told Dr. Krohn that the
appointment for the next day would be
fine—I later found out about a
miscommunication between the two
doctors of Grace’s true diagnosis, and
that was the reason for the delay of her
appointment to UNM.
Page 29
July 26th—UNM Children’s Heart Center:
Albuquerque, NM
On Tuesday, July 26th, after the
appointment with Dr. Waldman, the
cardiologist at UNM Hospital, Grace is
confirmed to have a Double Outlet Right
Ventricle heart defect with a Ventricular
Septal Defect (VSD)—a hole between
the ventricular heart chambers. This
VSD saved Grace’s life allowing her to
remain alive inside my womb. With this
heart condition, Grace had two right
ventricles instead of a normal left and
right ventricle. A normal heart operates
using the right ventricle to circulate
blood into and through the lungs (to be
oxygenized) which then flows though the
left ventricle, exits, and enters the body.
Since Grace had two right ventricles,
there was no way for the blood, after
being circulated through the lungs, to
enter the body. Without a left ventricle,
Grace would not have oxygenated blood
flow into her body, and therefore would
Page 30
have never survived in my womb.
However, the VSD defect allowed the
blood to overflow and drain into the
body. What we first saw as a defect to
Grace’s heart, God had actually used this
defect to spare her life while forming in
my womb—this was yet another miracle
of God in this little baby’s life. While in
Dr. Waldman’s office, a genetics doctor
had been called to perform some blood
tests on Grace, but she never arrived.
However, right as we were preparing to
leave Dr. Waldman’s office, the genetics
doctor walked into his office. As the
doctor attempted to draw blood from
Grace, for the test, and was unable to
draw enough blood, she realized that
Grace was highly dehydrated. Thank
God this doctor arrived when she did,
because we were not aware because of
the cleft palate, Grace had not been
receiving the nourishment we thought
she was getting all along. So that
evening Grace was admitted into the
Page 31
I would sing;
“Grace, Grace,
God’s Grace,
Grace that will
pardon and
sanctify me.
Grace, Grace,
God’s Grace,
Grace that is
greater than all
my sin.”
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at
UNM Hospital.
July 26th – August 9th UNM PICU
While at UNM, Grace underwent
multiple tests in attempts to diagnose all
of her infirmities, besides the heart
defect. During
this time, my
sweet little baby
went through so
much trauma, but
through it all she
remained strong—
a little fighter. I
remember singing
the words to a
hymn, that to this very day I still wonder
where I learned the words. It was the
chorus and tune to “Marvelous Grace.” I
would sing;
“Grace, Grace, God’s Grace,
grace that will pardon and
Page 32
sanctify me. Grace, Grace, God’s
Grace, Grace that is greater than
all my sin.”
Later I found that the words I sang were
not the same as the original hymn, yet
had the same meaning. I would sing this
song to Grace in order to calm myself,
because I figured she could not hear me
sing since she had been proclaimed deaf
while at Los Alamos Medical Center.
However, one day while I was holding
Grace, staring into her eyes and
weeping, Esther, who had come to the
hospital to stay with me, asked, “Why
are you crying, Mom,” and I answered,
“Because my baby is deaf”. Esther
responded by saying, “How can she be
deaf, if she calms down every time you
sing that song (Marvelous Grace chorus)
to her?” The thought had never
occurred to me, but Esther was right.
Every time I would sing to Grace, usually
when she was whimpering after being
poked by a needle, she would
Page 33
I locked Grace
and myself in my
room, and wept,
praying to God
about all my
fears and doubts.
immediately calm down and begin to fall
asleep. I had been so blinded by the
negative results of
Grace’s hearing
tests, that I did not
realize she had
been hearing my
voice the whole
time. (Is this not how we sometimes
react and respond to God during our
trials in life?)
In my desperation for answers
after Grace’s birth, because of the six
failed hearing tests, I would ask if there
was a possibility that Grace had fluid in
her ears. But it was explained that the
tests administered for her hearing, were
tested using brain waves and quite
accurate, and this was the reason for
concluding Grace was deaf. Yet, later
testing of Grace’s hearing proved Grace
only had a slight hearing loss. I truly
believe, with all of my heart, that God
Page 34
had healed her little ears and she was
able to hear (another miracle).
During this two week period at
UNM, it was concluded that although
Grace had the Double Outlet Right
Ventricle with a VSD heart defect and
other infirmities, the genetic testing
showed that Grace had no syndrome—
which the doctors assumed Grace had a
syndrome because of all the infirmities
she had. Also, each infirmity proved to
be less extensive than what we originally
thought when Grace was born, and we
praised God for the good news. The
results of Grace’s infirmities were: no
club foot, just certain foot deformities;
hand contractures, that only time would
tell the affects (Grace later proved she
could do almost anything with her hands
as if normal); the cleft palate was not as
severe as we originally thought, but was
a soft sub-mucous palate (which could
be easily fixed, but not necessary); and
Page 35
mentally, there was still a question about
a mental delay.
One week before Heart Surgery
After spending around two weeks
at UNM, we were released from UNM
Hospital one week before going to Lucile
Packard Children’s Hospital in California
for heart surgery. After a few weeks of
the hustle and bustle of hospital life,
when I finally got home the devastation,
fatigue, and discouragement I felt—for
myself and Grace—was overwhelming
and I found it very hard to practice my
faith in God. Sometimes in our walk with
the Lord, we get so caught up in what we
can see, that we fail to remember our
faith is based on what we cannot see
(Hebrews 11:1). In my case, I had front
row seating in the life of Grace; for
weeks I watched and thanked God for
the miracles He was performing in and
through Grace, yet I still doubted. After
Page 36
I asked, “Why not
let her die in my
womb?” “Why let
her be born?” or
“Why didn’t she
die at birth?”
returning home, I locked myself and
Grace in my bedroom for what seemed
like hours of weeping and praying to God
about all of my fears
and doubts. One
day I finally asked
God, “Why did you
send Grace like
this?” This notion
ran through my mind constantly and of
course God already knew my heart and
my thoughts before I asked him this
question. I knew I could not hide my
feelings from Him, so I asked, “Why not
let her die in my womb, Lord?”, “Why let
her be born?”, or “Why didn’t she die at
birth?” I told the Lord that I was not
embarrassed of my baby, but I knew the
suffering she would endure in this life.
This hurt me and was a trying time for
me because I knew life was going to be
difficult for her. Although I questioned
God’s reasoning for what Grace, and our
family were going through, I
Page 37
remembered later, when all was well
with Grace, to ask God’s forgiveness for
not trusting Him, for not having the faith
to believe that He was in control. I
thanked the Lord for listening, but not
acting upon, my foolish doubts and
August 21st – Heart Surgery in California
Finally, on August 16th, we flew
from New Mexico to California for
Grace’s heart surgery. The heart surgery
was performed by Dr. Mohan Reddy at
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in
California and went well. However,
while Grace was in recovery, something
goes wrong. On Sunday, August 21st,
Grace Code Blues in the early morning
hours and is resuscitated back to life
after Dr. Gayle Wright and her staff
feverishly work on her for almost 3
hours. Around 5:45 am, Jake received a
telephone call informing him of Grace’s
Page 38
Right before the
arrived, I was
able to revive
survival despite suffering a code blue. By
God’s mercy, Grace survives again and
we are released from the hospital to go
home three weeks later.
September 2005
At home in Alcalde, NM, while
feeding, Grace began choking and stops
breathing. We immediately call 911, and
an ambulance is dispatched to our
house. Before the ambulance arrived at
our house, I cried out to the children that
Grace was dead.
Grace had stopped
breathing and
become stiff in my
arms, and since I
was still on the phone with the 911
operator I followed her instructions of
what to do for the emergency. Right
before the ambulance arrived, I was able
to revive Grace. Again, the Lord protects
Page 39
October 2005
While at UNM Hospital, in July,
Grace developed feeding issues after
being flooded by an unmonitored
feeding pump, which resulted in
Pulmonary Edema (fluid in the lungs).
Because Grace’s formula was made too
strong, she would constantly vomit. This
added to her diagnosis: Feeding issues
requiring a twenty-four feeding pump
and the G-tube. We now had a baby
who was unable to tolerate normal
bottle feedings, and Grace received a Gtube
for feeding and ear tubes to drain
the fluid.
January 2006
Grace’s physical therapist Jean
Porteus PT, notices a scoliosis curve in
her back.
Page 40
February 2006
Grace’s heart is starting to show
signs of obstruction and her Blood
pressure is rising out of the normal.
June 2006
Dr. Bosch, orthopedic doctor,
confirms Grace has scoliosis.
August 2006
After an ECHO (heart ultrasound) it
is noted that the obstruction is worse.
September 2006
A heart catheterization is ordered,
showing both ventricular openings are
obstructed with scar tissue from Grace’s
previous heart surgery. Dr. Waldman
schedules Grace to return to Lucile
Packard Children’s Hospital in California
for a second heart surgery.
Page 41
center line to
the ventricle
is cut causing
a 4th degree
heart block.
The worst
form of heart
October 2006
The second heart surgery is
performed by Dr. Mohan Reddy, to
remove scar tissue that is obstructing
both ventricular openings and to remove
scar tissue from the VSD. The conductive
center line to the ventricles is damaged
causing a 4th degree heart block, the
worst form of heart
block a heart patient
can experience. Grace
is given an external
pacemaker to keep her
ventricle heart rhythm
beating. Five days later
the doctor determines
that Grace has lost this
heart beat forever. She receives a
Pacemaker and becomes 100%
Pacemaker dependent. God gives the
song “Wonderful Peace,” my favorite
verse to sing to Grace was:
Page 42
I am resting tonight in this
wonderful peace
Resting sweetly in Jesus control
For I’m kept from all danger by
night and by day
And His glory is flooding my soul!
Peace, Peace wonderful peace
Coming down from the Father
Sweep over my spirit forever I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
While Grace was in recovery, we
were not allowed to stay in Grace’s room
at night and the separation was horrible
but I knew when I left Grace every night
that she was in the Lord’s hands. One
night I asked God for a scripture to read
to Grace before I left her and He led me
to Psalm 57. As I came to verse 7, I read,
“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is
fixed, I will sing and give praise.” I was
so excited when I read this verse
Page 43
because I thought God was going to fix
Grace’s heart, or so I thought. I had
been pleading with the Lord for days that
he would heal Grace’s heart. I really felt
that this was the answer, but soon
realized that God was telling me that this
was the way Grace’s heart was fixed—
with a pacemaker. It was set to stay
blocked without a heartbeat. In verse 7
of Psalm 57, the Lord says to “sing and
give praise,” although I found it difficult
to trust God, I knew I must praise Him
for allowing her to survive yet another
surgery, and she was healed. So I sang a
praise song to Him before I left the
We continued with numerous
doctors visits in the years to come, and I
learned through this long and difficult
road, that constant discernment from
the Lord was necessary to know what to
Page 44
Grace had
become a true
faith child. We
never knew how
her body or
organs were
doing, we could
only trust that
God knew and
was in control.
do for my precious little girl. Through it
all, Hebrews 11:1 came alive to me, this
scripture reads, “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen.” Grace had
truly become a faith child, because we
never knew how her body or organs
were doing, we could only trust that
God knew and was
in control. From
then on, I found
myself in constant
prayer asking God
to heal this child my
way, if it were His
will. I did not
realize when I asked God for healing or
to do His will in Grace’s life, that I was
asking Him to make the choice of healing
her my way or taking her home and
Page 45
healing her in His way (God’s ways are
always right and perfect).
In March of 2009, a couple from
our church, Al and Fran Garcia, felt
Gracie needed help, so they told their
daughter, Jeanie Powell about their
concerns for Gracie, and asked if we had
ever been to a Shriner’s Hospital. We
had always heard of many Hospitals for
Gracie, but hearing and contacting them
was a different story. Fran and Al
explained how Jeanie could help us apply
to Shriner’s for help, however, as time
went on, I had forgotten all about the
application process. In early June of
2009, Jeanie called to tell us that some
good friends of hers from Albuquerque
Shriner’s Balud Abyad sponsors were
Page 46
coming with a large group to meet at the
Sierra Bonita Camp & RV Park (about 17
miles from where we presently live in
Mora, NM)—which Jeanie and her
husband Kelly own. Jeanie asked if we
could meet with these sponsors on
Saturday morning June 20, 2009, and we
were glad they could meet with us that
day. We arrived at 11:00 am, a little
nervous because a lot of the families
there were on vacation, I felt as if we
would be interrupting their day. Jeanie
introduced us to Orvis Creel and Jim
Shepherd, who made us feel welcomed.
When they heard about Grace, their
overwhelming concern for her health
issues was such a blessing. As we talked,
they watched sweet little Gracie sitting
by my side, and you could see the
compassion in their eyes they felt for
her. They gave me an application to fill
Page 47
out in order to request an evaluation of
Gracie’s orthopedic needs, because it
was obvious how severe her scoliosis
had become.
It seemed as though we were
there for at least two hours, and yet they
never treated us as if we were in their
way or ruining their day. When we left,
Orvis came over with a huge box of
muffins for all of us, and thanked us for
coming. That ended up being such a
blessing to Grace and all of us, and a few
weeks later we received a call from Dr.
Norman Otsuka, with the Los Angeles,
CA-Shriner’s Hospital. He was requesting
records for Gracie. He went on to tell
me that Gracie’s application for care had
been hand delivered to his office early
Wednesday morning, on June 24th, which
was four days after meeting Orvis Creel
Page 48
and Jim Sherpherd at Sierra Bonita
Camp. Creel and Shepherd had made a
trip to the Los Angeles Hospital and were
there at Dr. Otsuka’s office first thing in
the morning waiting for the doctor to
arrive. They told the doctor of Gracie
and her desperate need of immediate
help. When I heard of their urgency to
submit the application immediately, I
could not help but break out into tears
knowing the love and concern these two
men felt for Gracie. Later on, to our
disappointment the Los Angeles,
Chicago, and St. Louis Shriner’s Hospitals
rejected Gracie because of her heart
condition. However, one day when Creel
was attending a special meeting in
Arizona, he saw Dr. Otsuka. Dr. Otsuka
asked how his little patient (Grace) was
doing, and Orvis explained, “Not too
well.” He told of all the Shriner’s
Page 49
Hospitals that had been contacted
concerning Gracie, but could not help
her because of her heart condition. The
Director for the Sacramento Shriner’s
Hospital overheard the conversation and
said he would look at her records and
consider seeing her in their hospital. It
was done! Yet again, God intervened on
Gracie’s behalf.
Our next trip took us to
Sacramento in October of 2009 to meet
with Dr. Joel Lerman, a doctor of
Orthopedics at Shriner’s Hospital in
Sacramento. We could see his passion
for helping children in need because of
the kindness he showed to Grace and us.
Dr. Lermen did a full evaluation of Gracie
and knew by examining her that there
was a Neurological problem. He wrote
his report and noted four diagnoses on
Gracie’s severe scoliosis, which were:
Tethered Spinal Cord, Syrinx, Chiari
Page 50
Malformation or Lipomeningocele
(These were the same conditions which
concerned Sheri Raphaelson during my
pregnancy, God had
given Sheri
discernment). Dr.
Lermen sent us back
to New Mexico for a
Myelogram of the
spine to check for
the spinal
cord/brain issues. Back at Carrie Tingley
Hospital, under the direction of Dr.
Elizabeth Szalay, a regular CT scan was
ordered and done in December 2009.
However, this test was not the correct
test we needed. A Myelogram consists
of putting dye in Gracie’s spine while
conducting the CT scan—this test was
finally done in February 2010, and
confirmed that Grace had a Tethered
Spinal Cord. This was the cause of her
now very severe scoliosis. Through
constant prayer, God sent us to a
I often had to be
that advocate
through prayer
for Grace,
asking the Lord
constantly for
His discernment
in treatment.
Page 51
faraway place and used people he placed
in our path to reveal this critical health
condition in Gracie’s spinal cord. Who
but God could have planned it all so
perfectly? In July 2010, we made one
more trip to Shriner’s of Sacramento to a
follow-up appointment to check the
results of the spinal cord being released.
Dr. Lerman explained Gracie’s lot in life
was not fair, and that we had two
surgical options for her. Both
procedures would not be good for Grace
and both would be high risk and change
her life for all of her future. Dr. Lermen
also mentioned having other patients as
Gracie with a spine like hers and are
healthy, and others with straight spines
that are very unhealthy. That day we
chose to trust God with her spine and
that He would bring the healing, or the
Page 52
August 2010,
In August 2010, we traveled to
Colorado Children’s Hospital in Aurora,
CO hoping for a second opinion, in hopes
of better news. We met with Dr. Mark
Erickson, MD-Chairman of Orthopedic
Surgery, who did an extensive 3D CT
Scan of Grace’s spine. He found that
Grace had a very severe curve and her
spinal column was rotated fifty percent
on the bottom. He also did not have a
good diagnosis or treatment plan for
Grace. Again, we had two surgical
options that would not be healthy for
Gracie, both procedures would stop
Gracie’s upper torso from growing
normal and one procedure had a 20
percent probability of paralysis. Dr.
Erickson gave the two surgical options or
the option of doing nothing at all. So,
again we chose to do nothing at all,
trusting that the Lord had the healing.
Page 53
We see now
that this was
the right
decision, not
knowing her
life would
abruptly end
in May 2011.
Once again God brought us to a place
where he held the key to the healing or
curing of her back and rightfully so.
Sometimes we put our trust in man,
when ultimately everything is in God’s
control. I prayed constantly for healing
from the Lord or for His will to be done.
I often worried about seeing all the
different doctors and
the possibilities of
ending up with the
wrong doctor or
hospital that might
make a mistake which
could cause
unnecessary harm or
suffering for Grace. I often had to be the
advocate for Grace, through prayer,
asking the Lord constantly for His
discernment and wisdom in her
treatment. I felt God had shown us his
power and mercy by allowing both Dr.
Lerman and Dr.Erickson, who did not
know about each other, had never met
Page 54
or discussed Grace’s condition to
conclude that we could choose to do
nothing about her spine. This allowed us
to leave everything in God’s hands, and
we see now that this was the right
decision, because we did not know then
that her life would abruptly end on May
13, 2011. God spared Grace from the
suffering involved with either surgical
option for her scoliosis. Through it all, we
always see the goodness of God.
March 2010
Grace undergoes surgery at UNM
Hospital with Dr. Erich Marchand,
Pediatric Neurologist. Dr. Marchand
performed the surgery to release the
tethered Spinal Cord that was diagnosed
earlier by Dr. Joel Lerman of Shriner’s
Hospital. This entailed Dr. Marchand
surgically cutting through Grace’s L3
section of her lower back, drilling
Page 55
through the bone, and carefully
removing fatty tissue that confined her
spinal cord in the L3 position of her
lower back. After the procedure, Dr.
Marchand came to the waiting room to
inform that the surgery was successful
and Grace was in recovery. He explained
how the spinal cord had retracted
beautifully when released, and when he
was cutting through the skin on her back
to begin drilling through the bone in
order to reach the spinal cord, he found
a defect in the bony area of a soft tissue
and not bone. Dr. Marchand was
pleased to find that the soft tissue
eliminated the drilling of bone to reach
the spinal cord, thus making the surgical
procedure uncomplicated. This was just
another defect in our eyes that God had
placed for Gracie’s good. Out of all of
the specialists Gracie had seen, none of
them noted this defect beforehand but
Dr. Jacqeline Krohn, Gracie’s PCP.
Page 56
February 2011
In February of this year, we took
Gracie to her annual heart check-up and
Grace is given an excellent report
concerning her heart. Her cardiologist,
Dr. J. Deane Waldman of UNM Children’s
Heart Center, told me and Jake that
aside from Gracie being pacemaker
dependent, her heart was in excellent
condition, and we praised God for this
result. Again, God had proven the
concept of faith in Hebrews 11:1. We
never knew the condition of Gracie’s
heart by physically looking at Gracie, yet
we always hoped and prayed that it
would stand the test of time (God always
proves faithful through whatever we go
May 13, 2011
On Friday, May 13th, Grace is sure
it is her birthday, and throughout the day
informs Seth, her nine year old brother,
Page 57
that today is her birthday. Grace played
as usual with the kids, but seemed a little
more tired that day, she laid around
watching movies till the evening. In the
latter part of the evening, Grace began
to struggle breathing, her eyelids began
to swell and her heart rate was
fluctuating in a very abnormal way.
Grace was taken, by ambulance, to Alta
Vista Regional Medical Center in Las
Vegas, NM which is about forty-two
miles from our home in Holman, NM.
When she arrived to the hospital, Grace
was in cardiac arrest and it was at the
hospital Grace went home to be with the
Lord a few minutes before midnight.
This happened exactly one month ago, at
this same hour that I am writing this
story. The pain at times seems
unbearable, but GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD!
A few months before Gracie’s
death she found a Gospel tract entitled,
Page 58
Somebody Loves Me, it is printed by
Chick Publications in cartoon format. In
this tract a little boy dies, and is taken up
to heaven by an angel. She was very
saddened by the death of this little boy
and Grace would cry as we read this to
her and she viewed the pictures, but she
carried it around everywhere for those
couple of weeks—even sleeping with it
under her cheek. Later, we received
another tract entitled, Tiny Shoes. One
night before bed, when I first read this
book to Grace, she called herself,
Juanito, the little boy in the Story, and I
was Juanito’s mother. As I read the story
to her, we came to the part where
Juanito dies. Grace opened her teary
eyes and looked at me and silently cried,
but said nothing. She lay down and
placed the tract under her cheek and fell
asleep. The next morning she asked
Jacob, Josiah and Abigail her older
brothers and sister to read it to her
again, and each one acted out the parts
Page 59
of the characters in the story. In the
story, once Juanito has died, his shoes
are hanging on his grave maker at his
burial, and later that morning Gracie tied
the laces of her sneakers in a knot and
hung them on the headboard of our bed.
I remember the week before Gracie died,
she said to me.”Mama, remember when
I died?” I asked her, “Gracie when do
you remember when you died?” but she
never answered me. Again I asked,
“When did you die Gracie?” but she
ignored me and walked off.
Throughout Gracie’s life, her story
of struggle, hope, faith, and miracles has
been told hundreds of times. She was
prayed for by so many people and
everywhere we would go people would
ask for Grace and how she was doing.
We always gave God the Glory for the
miracles He was working in and through
her because it was God who kept this
little girl in the palm of His hand. Many
of Gracie’s therapists always noted that
Page 60
she was amazing and a miracle; one
physical therapist, Jean Porteus from
Espanola, NM told me that Gracie had
beaten the odds; Connie McGhee,
another physical therapist from Santa Fe,
told of her 30 years as a physical
therapist and how she has worked with
several children with healthier backs
than Gracie yet they were unable to
walk, but Gracie rode a
bike, walked and
played as normal as
possible for her. Grace
especially loved
ponies, and would ride
the ponies at the State
Fair, circus, or even
the carousel in the
shopping mall as often as she could.
Grace touched so many lives as she lived
and has continued to touch lives in her
God used her
with her
infirmities to
himself and
show His
power and
through her.
Page 61
“As I prayed for her all I
could see was her running,
dancing, and skipping all
over Heaven, talking,
singing, and laughing as
she longed to do in this life.”
Now I understand the part of II
Cor. 12:9b, that reads, “Most gladly
therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may
rest upon me.” God used Grace’s
infirmities to glorify himself and show
His power and strength through her.
I thank the Lord that through her
sudden and untimely death on May 13,
2011, God answered a prayer I
questioned Him about in August of 2005.
With little faith in my trial after Gracie’s
birth, I worried that my child would
suffer in this life. By God’s grace she
gently fell asleep the night she died. I
Page 62
Thank the Lord that he took her without
suffering; I thank Him for not allowing
her to suffer in the almost six years of
her life on this earth, and for never
bringing me to the point of pleading with
Him to take her because of the suffering.
God is Gracious, Merciful and
Longsuffering because He LOVES each
and every one of us. Thank God He
allowed her to live such a full and joyful
life, Praise be to God!
Page 63
Anita would sing Laura Story – “Blessings” to
bring herself comfort after Gracie’s passing.
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, you hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
Cause what if Your blessings come through
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we’d have faith to believe
Cause what if Your blessings come through
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
Page 64
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It’s not our Home
Cause what if Your blessings come through
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t
And what if trials of this life
The Rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
Used by permission.
Page 65
Chapter Three
In the light of eternity little
Gracie’s visit to this earth would be so
short it would
take a trained eye to catch the bleep on
the radar screen as she briefly appeared
on the earth.
She came into the home of Jake
and Anita Lovato on July 20th, 2005 and
left just as suddenly on May 13, 2011.
Time, which has been described as
“measured eternity” and has been
Page 66
illustrated as a small dot on an endless
line which has no
end or beginning. In the light of this
there would be no way to register that
she ever existed..
Even in contrast to a human life of
70 or 80 years, her little race of 5 years,
10 months and 23days, would go
unnoticed by all but a very few people.
That is, if she wasn’t a chosen vessel
with a message from God.
She was born at home in Alcalde,
New Mexico which is so small that only a
few local people in Northern New
Mexico have ever heard of it. A small
little person of 6 pounds and 12 ounces
in a crippled body was welcomed into a
large family of eleven brothers and
sisters. Perhaps no one ever received as
much love as Gracie received from the
members who made up the loving family
of Jake and Anita Lovato and their twelve
Page 67
children. Gracie was under watchful,
loving care almost 24/7 for each and
every day of her entire life.
The mid-wife who was known and
respected for
her unusual
sense of
and medical
ability was
troubled as
she examined
little Gracie
while she was
still in her
womb. Upon voicing this concern Anita
went into the clinic and had extensive
tests. Anita was assured by the reports
and the hospital staff that Gracie was
normal and that there was nothing to
worry about.
Perhaps no one ever
received as much love as
Gracie received from the
members who made up
the loving family of Jake
and Anita Lovato and
their eleven children.
Gracie was under
watchful, loving care
almost 24/7 for each and
every day of her entire
Page 68
This did not reassure the mid-wife,
and Jake got the impression that the
mid-wife had grave doubts and was very
concerned that the baby had severe
After Gracie was born, the midwife
sent a report to the hospital that
stated the following problems which
Gracie had.
Recent tests and the latest’s
indicators to Anita
Lovato had convinced
her that her soon to be
born baby would have
severe complications.
Since all of her other
children had normal
births and were
healthy babies this
was uncharted waters for her. But Anita
When she and
Jake became
born again
Christians they
agreed to cut
up their credit
cards and live
by faith.
Page 69
didn’t focus on circumstances and
potential dangers because her faith was
in the Living God. When she and Jake
became born again Christians they
agreed to cut up their credit cards and
live by faith. At first it was very hard.
Many of their family members and
friends strongly voiced their opinions
against such a far out, fanatical way of
life. But God really blessed their faith
over the twenty year period since they
made that commitment so it was only
natural for Anita to turn to God and His
Word for direction.
When she began to pray God
confirmed that in truth, the baby would
have grave complications. With this
knowledge God also brought to Anita’s
mind a scripture which God enabled
Apostle Paul to endure and overcome his
extreme health problems. The words
which God spoke to Paul are, “My grace
Page 70
is sufficient for thee for my strength is
made perfect in weakness.” II Cor 12:9
The impression upon Anita‘s heart
did two things, it calmed her completely
and give her courage that whatever
would happen God would work it out for
The second thing was just as real
as God’s comforting peace. God
impressed upon Anita’s heart that if the
baby was deformed or mentally
challenged that she would accept it as
God’s will and would be proud of the
child and give it what loving care that
was needed.
Little did Anita know that she and
her family would have to rely so heavily
on God’s grace during the next almost six
years with the many trips to the
hospitals and little Gracie’s’ two deaths.
Page 71
There would be many anxious
moments, tears and long nights for Anita
and her family, but they found that God
promise which he so personally
impressed on Anita’s heart that night
was true. His Grace was sufficient and it
was demonstrated every day as little
Gracie came into their lives and lived
among them.
Anita and her husband Jake,
although they had sonograms done
before the baby was born didn’t ever
inquire whether the baby would be a boy
or girl. They believed that baby was a gift
from God. Anita believed that she would
have another boy so she had picked out
a name for a boy.
When a little girl arrived Anita did
not have girls name picked out. So when
the baby arrived with deformed feet and
a hole in the roof of her mouth which
made it impossible for her to feed, the
Page 72
Scripture which had given her so much
assurance before came back into her
mind. It was so comforting and vivid that
Anita knew it was from the Lord. She
would name the baby, Grace. The
Spanish name for Grace is Alta Gracia
which literally means Grace on High or
grace on high heaven, Anita accepted
her tiny little gift from God and by
relying upon God’s amazing grace, she
would help her precious baby to fulfill
that purpose.
Gracie arrived
on this earth with
two defects in her
heart. There were
two arteries going
into the right
chamber of her
heart and none
going into the left
chamber of her
The surgery was
successful but two
days later Gracie
stopped breathing.
A code blue was
ordered and the
staff worked
feverishly for
almost three hours
before Gracie
started breathing
Page 73
heart. Normally this would mean that
the baby would die in its mother’s
womb, but little Gracie also had a defect
in the bottom of the right side which
allowed some blood to enter the left side
of her heart.
Friday August 19, 2005 at the
Lucille Salter Packard children’s hospital
in Palo Alto, California Gracie had heart
surgery to correct these defects. The
surgery was successful but two days later
Gracie stopped breathing. A code blue
was ordered and the staff worked
feverishly for almost three hours before
Gracie started breathing again.
This was the opinion of one of the
many doctors which ministered to
Gracie. In addition to her heart defects,
her deformed feet, and the hole in the
roof of her mouth, she had extreme high
Page 74
blood pressure. They also thought she
was mentally retarded. Surgery, when
she was three weeks old where they put
tubes in her ears and stomach corrected
her high blood pressure. One of the
major defects which was not detected
until she was four years old and had
severely plagued her was that her spinal
cord was attached to the boney area of
the lower back which caused her spine
to have severe curvatures both at the
top and the bottom. Again, Surgery
greatly released the tension on the
Spinal Column.
In October, 2006
Anita and Jake were
back at Lucille Salter
Packard children’s
hospital where little
Gracie received a pace
maker. Gracie was a patient in Los
According to
the specialist
she should
have been “a
little more
than a
vegetable or at
least confined
to a wheel
Page 75
Alamos, Las Vegas, Palo Alto, California,
The New Mexico University Hospital,
Albuquerque NM, Sacramento,
California and Denver Colorado and had
six major surgeries. According to the
specialist she should have been “a little
more than a vegetable or at least
confined to a wheel chair.” But after the
detachment of her spinal cord Gracie
became a “walking miracle.” She would
roll around on the floor and play with
her brothers and sisters. They would
assist her as she learned not only to walk
but to dance also. Everyone was amazed
and delighted as she even learned to ride
her bicycle. The
physical therapist who
worked with her could
not believe it.
When they tested her
IQ it was higher than
children her own age.
But where this crippled
little girl excelled was in the spiritual
The Holy
Spirit comes in
and lives in a
child until the
child comes to
the age of
Page 76
realm. She loved it when someone would
read to her about Jesus.
Gracie’s love to have someone
read to her about Jesus was only natural
because the Holy Spirit comes in and
lives in a child until the child comes to
the age of accountability when they
learn the difference between right and
wrong. When they
consciously sin, the
Holy Spirit withdraws.
This also means that
the baby would go to
Heaven when it died
without the aid of
baptism, prayers or
any other ritual. The death of Jesus on
the cross was accepted by God as
payment for their sins.
The other reason she loved to hear
about Jesus is because she had heard
For thou hast
possessed my
reins: thou
hast covered
me in my
Psalm 139:13
Page 77
about Jesus while she was still in the
womb of her mother.
She had heard about
Jesus while she lay in a
hospital in a strange
city. She had heard
about Jesus for hours
on end as her mother
would quote
Scriptures or sing quietly to Gracie as she
lay recovering from her latest surgery.
Hearing about Jesus or songs about Jesus
was a way of life. Anita believed that the
Bible was a living word which brought
healing and life to people, therefore the
endless Scriptures and songs.
Anita quoted the twenty-four
verses in Psalm 139 to Gracie almost
every day. There were some days when
Gracie lay between life and death and no
one knew if she would live or die. Then
Anita quoted it over and over again.
Anita believed
that the Bible
was a living
word which
healing and
life to people,
Page 78
There is no
person Gracie’s age
that ever heard so
much about God
and His power and
goodness as Gracie
did. Some days
Gracie was
ministered to by
her mother eight
to ten hours a day.
In crucial times, more.
Gracie could quote some of the
verses which she had heard so many
times. Anita was teaching Gracie to
memorize the whole chapter of Romans
twelve when she died.
God had taught Jake and Anita to walk
and trust Him by faith, preparing them to
Thine eyes did see
my substance, yet
being unperfect;
and in thy book all
my members were
written, which in
continuance were
fashioned, when as
yet there was none of
Psalm 139:16
Page 79
trust Him and endure the many trials
while they loved and taught little Gracie.
In January 2011 five months before
she died the family received some Chick
Tracts through the mail. A Chick Tract is
a gospel tract which features both
pictures as well as the message of
Salvation. In reality it is a small booklet
about 20 pages long. The two chick
booklets which Gracie had her brothers
and sisters read to her over and over
again were “Someone Loves Me” and
“Tiny Shoes.”
“Someone Loves Me” was about a
poor dying boy. Before he died he
learned that Jesus loved him. He prayed
the sinner’s prayer and among the last
pictures were the angels carrying him up
to heaven.
Page 80
The booklet entitled “Tiny Shoes”
was about a poor little boy who had no
shoes. His father promised to buy him
some shoes but each week his dad
would either drink or gamble his money
away. Finally the little boy became sick
and went out into the wintery storm
looking for his dad and
his new shoes.
The little boy died in
the storm while
praying to Jesus. The
father finally bought
the shoes only to find
his little boy dead. The last picture
showed the tiny shoes tied together
hanging over a cross which was made
into a tombstone.
Little Gracie would go to bed each
night clutching the two booklet tracts.
The last
picture showed
the tiny shoes
tied together
hanging over a
cross which
was made into
a tombstone.
Page 81
Sometimes when she had someone read
the tracts to her tears would well up in
her eyes, other times she would silently
Later she would
have her brothers and
sisters act out the
parts in these two
booklets. She would
play the part of the
two little boys who
died. She would say,
“that’s me mama that
me” referring to which
ever booklet they
were reading or dramatizing. But then
she would point to Juanito’s father and
exclaim, “That’s not my daddy! That’s
not my daddy! My daddy is good!”
She would
say, “that’s
me mama
that me”
referring to
which ever
booklet they
were reading
Page 82
These are the words which Gracie
startled Anita with on April 28th, two
weeks before she died.
Anita asked, “What did you say?”
Again Gracie repeated, “Mama, do
you remember when I died?”
Anita answered, yes, I remember.
Why do you ask?
Gracie retreated into her bashful
state and walked off to join her brothers
and sisters.
The same week Anita came into
her bedroom to find that Gracie had tied
her shoe strings together and hung them
on the bed post of her mother’s bed.
The day that Gracie died her
brothers and sisters came into her room
and found her in a kneeling position on
Page 83
her knees much like the little boy in
Tiny Shoes when he died.
Little Gracie had a premonition
that she was going to die. She told her
brother, “Today is my birthday!” She
knew well that her
literal birthday would
not be until July 20th.
The family made
Gracie’s birthday about
the biggest day of the
year. They had already
talked about her
birthday which would
not be for another two
Gracie was saying, “Today is a
special, special day for me.” Since her
birthday was always a special, special
day, Grace used the word birthday
instead of the word death. Just as the
“Today is a
special, special
day for me.”
Since her
birthday was
always a
special, special
day, Grace
used the word
instead of the
word death.
Page 84
Apostle Paul, referring to his death,
stated, “My departure *for Heaven+ is at
hand.” I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course…in essence…my
purpose on earth is over and I am going
to be with Jesus.
Little Gracie, thinking about her
special, special day exclaimed, “Today is
my birthday!” A few hours later, she
gently went home to be with Jesus.
Little Gracie’s eleven brothers and
sisters accepted her into their lives as a
special gift from God. There is no one
that knows the Lovato family who ever
heard one of her large family even
complain or act in a contrary way toward
Gracie. She was the most loved and
cared for little girl that, perhaps ever
Page 85
In the weeks and
weeks of confinement
in different hospitals
often times the little
infant hovered
between life and
death, her mother was
right by her side. Anita
would quote scripture
to Gracie or softly sing
little songs of hope and faith to her.
Several hospitals staff members were
deeply moved by Anita’s devotion and
practice. One particular nurse came in
each day and announced, “Miss Gracie,
Miss Beverly is here to watch over you
today.” This same nurse told Anita that
the love, singing and quoting the
scriptures had caused her to rededicate
her life and get back into church. Little
Gracie was proving to be the blessing
which her heavenly father had sent her
to be as her little twisted body lay in a
strange city far , far from home.
This same
nurse told
Anita that the
love, singing
and quoting
the scriptures
had caused her
to rededicate
her life and get
back into
Page 86
Alta Gracia, a name given by God
which means grace on high heaven, was
giving her heavenly father pleasure while
moving adults closer to God and heaven
through the grace which he supplied to
Anita whose only thought was toward
her responsible to comfort and
encourage her baby.
I am so sorry to hear about Gracie’s
passing. She was such a special little girl.
Even with all of her physical problems,
she was so strong and determined…I can
picture Gracie now, as a young girl with a
straight spine, dancing and playing in
Dr. Jacqueline A Krohn, MD, MPH
Page 87
Chapter Four
Gracie’s Victorious Life
Please listen very closely as this
tiny little person speaks….
Mother, when God sent me into
the world, you made great preparations
for my arrival. You fixed a special place
for me, bought me new clothes, and
gave me a special name. And Mother, I
love my name, Gracie.
The moment I was born they
placed me upon your breast and it was
so reassuring to me. After the traumatic
Page 88
“…the beggar died,
and was carried by
the angels into
(Luke 16:22).
experience of being born --- all the
commotion and bright lights --- then I
heard your voice;
It was so reassuring!
As I was caught up close to you – I
heard your heart beating…. It was the
same beat I had heard when I was part
of you.
I began to feel secure – then the
tones of love in your voice –
I was glad to be alive.
Oh sweet
mother, you did
your best to
welcome me into
this world --- and it
was wonderful!
Your best was motivated by human love.
Page 89
“For we know that if
our earthly house of
this tabernacle were
dissolved,… an house
not made with
hands, eternal in the
II Cor 5:1
But oh mother dear --- my
reception into heaven ---- It was breath
I was carried up to heaven by the
gentle hands of the angels. (1)
I left my
weak imperfect
body for a “body
not made with
hands, eternal in
the heavens.”(2)
And oh mother, the
special place God
prepared for me is
beyond the ability of the tongue to
describe. There is no other place in all of
heaven like it, and it’s for me… your
little child. I can’t wait to show it to you.
And oh mother, you tried your best
to make our home a place of love,
warmth, and beauty and it was to me a
Page 90
“Eye has not seen, nor
ear heard, neither
entered into the
hearts of men what
God has prepared for
them that love him.”
(I Cor. 2:9)
little heaven on earth, BUT MOTHER,
THIS IS THE REAL HEAVEN – the love here
is beyond description…(3) so warm, real,
and wonderful --- and the beauty of
heaven is beyond imagination. Mother, if
you took all the beautiful sunsets,
mountains, and
landscapes, it
would be nothing
in comparison to
the beauty of my
new home and
country where I
now live.
Mother, you wanted me secure
and mother, there is nothing to hurt or
harm me in my new homeland.
You longed for me to have a great
education… I learned more the first
moment I arrived here than any mortal
tongue is able to teach in a lifetime.
Page 91
“Every good gift…
cometh down from
the Father…”
(James 1:7)
“…which lighteth
every man that
cometh into the
world.” (John 1:9)
Mother, you longed for me to have
the very best! What more could a kid
want than to walk on the streets of gold
surrounded by family members and
friends as we travel on our endless
adventure through heaven?
But mother the purpose of my
little life was to remind you of some of
the lessons you already know.
First, the
reason God sent me
into the world was
to remind you that I
was a gift of God to
you and to the
world. (4) Mother
you may be
wondering why I
only lived a very
short time on earth. God sent me into
the world to remind you of some things
Page 92
“…one day is with the
Lord as a thousand
years…” II Peter 3:8
“For a thousand years
in thy sight are but as
yesterday when it is
past, and as a watch
in the night.”
Psalm 90:4
you already know. He sent me to
demonstrate His unconditional love for
Mother, how the
love God placed in
me, drew people to
surround me and it
made them feel
good afterwards?
That was a
demonstration of
God’s love. God
was loving people
through me, your little girl. Mother that
love permeates all of heaven. God’s love
is sweeter than any rose or flower on
God’s great earth. I breath in that great
love with every breath I take. Mother it
is wonderful!
Second, my short life was to
remind people of how brief our earthly
Page 93
phase on this earth really is as we
journey into eternity.(5) Death does not
end all, it is only a door for, (a child of
God), to enter into God’s glorious
God attempts to communicate in
the Bible that 1,000 years on earth in his
sight is as one day. 1000 years in his sight
is as yesterday when it is past, or even as
a three hour watch in the night. My little
short life was to illustrate that one’s life
is like a vapor or puff of smoke or a short
story, like the ones you used to read to
My appearance
on the earth
was to try and
impress on
people that
whether they
live an hour, ten
years, or even
seventy or
A lifetime mother can
best be illustrated by
what we did every
night. You kissed me
goodnight, turned off
the lights, and suddenly
you were kissing me
good morning. That is
how brief your life is
Page 94
“Man that is born of
a woman is of few
days, and full of
trouble.” Job 14:1
eighty years, their life is like a story that
is told and will very soon be over. After
God reminded the palmist of this truth,
David cried out, “Teach us to number our
days that we may apply our hearts to
A lifetime
mother can best
be illustrated by
what we did
every night. You
kissed me
goodnight, turned off the lights, and
suddenly you were kissing me good
morning. That is how brief your life is
Third, I was sent into the world to
demonstrate that life is a struggle. (6)
My short struggle illustrates that man
lives in a world governed by the devil
who brings death and destruction into
the lives of all mankind. It is the devil
Page 95
“…all things work
together for good to
them that love
God…” Romans 8:28
“…worketh for us a
far more exceeding
and eternal weight of
glory;” II Cor 4:17
which wrecks hopes and dreams and
brings despair into
people’s lives. It is
he who brings
arguments, harsh
words and divisions
between family
members. In such a
world, God
promises to work all
things together for
good to the people
who love Him and are called according to
His purpose. It is God who comforts and
gives purpose. (7)
God also promised that the light
affliction which we suffer, such as my
sickness and death, would work out for
our eternal good and blessing.
Mother, my loving Heavenly Father
ETERNAL GOOD. I know it hurts very
Page 96
“…for thou hast
created all things,
and for thy pleasure
they are and were
Revelation 4:11
…” do all to the glory
of God.”
I Cor 10:31
badly right now since I am gone and you
can’t see any good from my short visit,
but let my tender and loving Savior help
you. He is the God of all comfort and
grace and he promises to stick closer to
you than any brother and will never
leave you or forsake you. He is the God
of all grace and wants to comfort and
help you, please mother, just call out to
Him! He is there and he will help you.
My many trips to the hospitals, the
surgeries and my struggle just to live
illustrates the hard times the devil gives
to all people. But,
mother to live in
God’s great house
where he rules is
best described by
one word,
Fourth, we
were all sent into
Page 97
“Lay not up for
yourselves treasures
upon earth,…”
Matthew 6:19-20
the world for a purpose. Often times we
human beings lose our focus. When we
do, God has to send a little reminder,
(like me), into the world to help us find
our real purpose. Our real work in life is
not to please ourselves, but to please
and give God pleasure.
God’s word states that we are to
give God glory in everything we do. (8)
Jesus told his disciples that they were in
the world, but they were not of the
world. Our purpose on the earth is not
to live for our pleasure, we are not to
work to lay up riches by accumulating
material things on this earth, but we are
to lay up treasures in heaven by giving
the Gospel to people and getting them
saved. (9)
The night I
died my beautiful
oldest sister Annie
almost died. An elk
Page 98
“And the LORD God
formed man of the
dust of the ground,
and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of
life; and man became
a living soul. “
Genesis 2:9
“…Let us make man
in our image, after
our likeness: “
Genesis 1:26
ran in front of her car and caused a
wreck which totaled her car. Mother, I
died because I had fulfilled my purpose.
Annie was spared because God still had
work for her to do.
Fifth, mother, I was sent into the
world to remind people in a vivid way
that there is life after one dies,
physically. Mother, you don’t think of
me as being
annihilated and
decaying in a cold
dark grave, but you
think of me as being
I am alive,
mother, I am alive!
God made me in His
image and likeness
and since He is an
eternal being, He
made me an eternal
Page 99
“Who gave himself a
ransom for all…”
Timothy 2:6
“…who is the
Saviour of all men,
specially of those
that believe.“ I
Timothy 4:10
being that will live forever. (10)
That’s the reason I had you read
over and over again the stores of death
in the Chick Tracts. We all die mother.
We all need to prepare for death which
will happen to all of us. That’s the
reason, mother I would cry out as we
read the stories of the two tracts.
“That’s me, mother, that’s me.”
We must learn to live our lives in
the light of our soon coming death.
When Adam sinned it brought death
which means separation from God. God
gave His Son to die
on the cross to pay
for a person’s sins
and to redeem
sinful man back to
Himself. His
sacrificial death
paid for the sins of
the innocent, like
Page 100
“For the wages
[payment] of sin is
Romans 3:23
“For he hath made
him to be sin for
us…” II Cor 5:21
me, and for the sins of all those who do
not have the mental ability to choose.
(11) All others, because we are all
sinners, must hear of God’s love and
provision for them in order to be saved
from eternal separation from God in hell.
Each person must have their sins paid for
personally, either by dying and going to
hell or by accepting God’s loving
payment of His son, Jesus, who died as
their substitute.
Mother, there is life after physical
death for each person on the earth.
Some will join me and experience the
exuberant life
with God in
heaven, while
others will sink
down, down into
the blackness of
darkness, lost and
without hope in a
devil’s hell
Page 101
forever. (12) My mission from God was
to remind you of this reality. Mother,
the only sad thing about my funeral was
that I was saying good bye to so many
who are trusting in their religion or in
themselves, instead of Jesus in order to
get to heaven. It made me sad to think
that I will never see them again. Oh, I
wish they could have the peace and
eternal life I am enjoying.
The reason I was clutching the two
Chick Tracts, so closely in my hands and
slept with them as my pillow was to
illustrate my faith in Jesus Christ as my
Saviour. I was trying to tell people how
precious Jesus was and to rest in him
alone as their Saviour.
Mother, it is wrong when a person
dies for people to say, “He has gone on
to his reward.” That is not what the Bible
teaches. It says, blessed or happy is the
Page 102
person who dies in the Lord. They rest
from their labor (they have gone on
vacation), but their works do follow
The works he is talking about are
the results or works which the person
who died, produced in life. Mother, like
miss Beverly, the nurse who rededicated
her life and became active in serving
Jesus again, whatever works she does
for the Lord – like getting people saved.
Part of the reward she receives will go to
her account in heaven.
If my brother and sisters, even my
uncle and aunts (whom God used my life
to touch) began to serve and work for
the Lord – Mother, part of the reward
will go to our account and enrich our
position in the 1000 year reign with Jesus
when he comes back.
Page 103
“…the righteous is
taken away from the
evil to come.”
Isaiah 57:1-2
Mother, that is almost to
marvelous to believe but it is true
because God’s Word said it is true.
Sixth, mother, one of the main
reasons God took me from you so early
was because he loved me so much and
wanted to spare me of an “evil to
Mother, God knows everything! He
sees the end from the beginning. God
saw something terrible coming up a little
later in my life, which I would not have
been able to bear. It would have totally
destroyed me. Mother, it would have
greatly damaged or destroyed your life
also. So my loving Father reached down
and lifted his little child up above “the
evil to come.”
Mother, when
you saw me resting
in my little casket
Page 104
with all our wonderful, loving memories
unsoiled by some “evil to come,” it was
because our loving Father wanted to
spare you of the sorrows that the evil to
come would have caused you. Your
sweet little baby was lifted up safely
above the evil to come and is eagerly
waiting to welcome you to my new
mansion. (13) Mother, isn’t God
Oh yes mother, I met another
person who has no name when I arrived.
He asked me to share the lesson from his
life with you also. He said that his story
brought joy and hope into the lives of
Mother, I have met so many
fascinating people since I got here;
preachers, prophets and this special
young man who has a story to tell.
Page 105
“But now he is dead,
wherefore should I
fast? can I bring him
back again? I shall go
to him, but he shall
not return to me. “
II Samuel 12:23
He died when he was only a new
born baby. He even took me and
introduced me to his father. He was one
of the greeters who were assigned as
part of my welcoming committee when I
arrived in heaven. He doesn’t have a
human name, mother, but he loves to
introduce himself as the only one of King
David’s sons who does not have a name.
He then joyfully expresses just call me,
“Messenger Boy”.
His mother and father committed
the awful sin of adultery which resulted
in his birth. He only lived a few days
before the angels carried him to
paradise. Mother, even though his
mother and father
sinned there was
no reflection of
shame cast upon
His father,
Page 106
King David, loved him just as you loved
me, mother. From the time “Little
Messenger Boy” was born until he died
his father fasted and begged God to let
him live. When Little Messenger Boy left
for paradise David got up, bathed, ate
and went in and worshiped God. When
the king’s servants inquired of David
about his total about-face of his actions
from one of tears and anguish to peace
and composure, little messenger boy’s
father made the following explanation.
“While my son was alive I begged
God to forgive me and let me keep him.
But when God said “no” and took him to
Paradise I knew he was alive and that I
would soon join him in heaven,
(Paradise)." My answer to my servants
and to the world was, “I cannot bring
him back but I can go to where he is,
(Paradise). He is safely home and waiting
for me in heaven." (14)
Page 107
Mother, my new friend, “Little
Messenger Boy’s” message is to all
mothers and fathers; we kids and babies
are well and happy in heaven and
regardless of what you did, especially to
the mother who aborted their babies,
we love you and yearn to welcome you
to come to our home in heaven.
Mother, I just want to thank you
for singing to me. In my little mind I
would be scared and wonder, “What’s
going on?” Then you would begin to sing,
“Grace, Grace, God’s grace…" and within
another verse or two I would realize
everything is ok. Mama and God are
watching over me. And mother, when
you would quote the whole 139th Psalm
In my little mind I would silently be saying
them with you.
It was so good and reassuring
when I finally realized that God saw me
Page 108
“But we see Jesus, who
was made a little lower
than the angels for the
suffering of death,
crowned with glory
and honour; that he by
the grace of God
should taste death for
every man. “Hebrews
“We are confident, I
say, and willing
rather to be absent
from the body, and to
be present with the
Lord. “
II Corinthians 5:8(16)
developing in your womb and gave me
the exact body he
wanted me to
have. And mother,
he gave me the
exact mother who
would love me and
help me to fulfill my
purpose on earth.
Isn’t God good
mother? But how could you know
fully…you still have a limited knowledge
– But oh mother – you will soon join me
here – and then you will know.
Because Jesus tasted death for
everyone of his children, mother, there is
nothing to be afraid
of when a child of
God dies.(15) The
truth is mother, a
child of God never
dies. When his
Page 109
Paul’s Testimony
“For I am now ready
to be offered, and the
time of my departure
[death] is at hand.“
II Timothy 4:6(17)
And they stoned Stephen,
calling upon God, and saying,
Lord Jesus, receive my
spirit…And when he had said
this, he fell asleep.
Acts 7:59-60 (18)
earthly race is over, he takes his last
breath on earth followed by his next
breath in heaven.(16)
One of my
new friends
described his death
by saying, “I was
just walking along
and took one step
on earth, the next step in mid-air and my
third step was “on the streets of Gold!”
Apostle Paul described his death as
a departure from the earth.(17) While
the apostle Peter described his death as
one who was changing clothes.
Mother, the first Christian martyr,
while being
stoned to
death saw
standing in
an open door
Page 110
Peter’s Testimony
“Knowing that shortly
I must put off this my
tabernacle,[by dying]
even as our Lord Jesus
Christ hath shewed
II Peter 1:14 (19)
in heaven, and said, “Lord Jesus, receive
my spirit” and then went to heaven (18)
Lastly, mother, I want to leave a
little poem with
you that one of my
new friends in
heaven wrote. I
have changed it a
little and
addressed it
directly to you.
Please read it mother – it will be a
blessing to you.
I am home in Heaven, Mother,
Oh, so happy and so bright,
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.
All my pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed.
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.
Page 111
Mother, you must not grieve so sorely
For I love you dearly still,
Try to look beyond earth’s shadows,
And learn to trust our Father’s will.
Mother, try to learn the lessons I tell
And remember Jesus died, to save
sinners from hell.
Look at Our loved ones still lost
And, tell them the story of the cross.
There is work still waiting for you,
So now you must not idly stand.
Do it now while life remaineth,
Soon you shall rest in Jesus’ land.
Mother, when your work is all completed
He will gently call you, “come.”
Oh! The rapture of that meeting
Oh! The joy to see you HOME.
(Author Unknown)
(Adapted by James Wilkins)
Remember Mother, I am more alive in
heaven than I ever was while on the earth.
Page 112
And mother, if people learn and do from
the lessons I taught it will bring us greater
rewards in the Millennium.
Page 113
I can hear someone say, “Gracie, a little six
year old kid didn’t have the ability to teach
all those things which the preacher wrote
Let me ask you a few questions?
Does God send each person into the world
for a distinct purpose?
The Bible says “yes!”
Could her little troubled life be used as an
illustration that every life is brief and is a
story which is told; full of trouble?
The Bible says “Yes!”
Does the bible teach that everything and
everyone was created to being God
pleasure and to give him glory?
The Bible says “Yes!”
Page 114
Does the Bible state that God works all
things together for good to them who love
him and are called according to his
The Bible says “Yes!”
Does the Bible teach that God paid the price
for the sin of the guilty?
The Bible states, “Yes!”
If God loves you and wants you to reconcile
to Him and spend eternity with Him in
Heaven, wouldn’t He use every means to
communicate, even a little crippled girl?
The Bible states, “Yes.”
Please, please, PLEASE, let His love through
this little girl reach your heart!
Page 115
The most devastating event in the life
of a couple is the loss of a child especially if
the child is an infant.
The divorce rate especially among
young couples is very high. This is because
each spouse grieves differently from the
other and since they both are grieving they
can not give proper comfort to each other.
The wife gives over to weeping and
emotional outbursts, while the husband
grieves inwardly. This leads to the wife
believing that her husband is hardened and
doesn’t share her grief. Nothing could be
further from the truth. He is unable to
express himself in a way the wife perceives
as bereavement.
The husband attempts to comfort his
wife in her uncontrolled weeping, but after
four or five outburst he becomes confused
and no longer seems to be sympathetic.
Page 116
Please seek help and comfort from the
Lord. Little Gracie’s lessons are the very
ones your little one would give you if she
was able to communicate with you.
Your child (under age of
accountability) is in heaven. The child is
alive and is praying for you. The child loves
you even though you may not have been as
good a parent as you could have been. God
hears the child’s prayers and shares the
child's love and concern for you.
The only difference is God is able to
hear your prayers and give you healing and
For those who may need help in
wording their prayers please pray these
words as sincerely as you can.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of all my sins,
Jesus, come into my life and heal me of my
Page 117
broken heart. Forgive me and save me so I
can be reunited with my child when I die.
I will go to a church who preaches the Bible
so I can learn of you and receive comfort
and complete healing. Thank you so much.
If you need further understanding we have
three other books which have brought
healing and comfort to many.
Healing Words for Hurting People.
Healing Words for Lonely People
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? – An eight
week self help course to spiritual and
mental healing.
Visit our Website for more information.


Lauralee A. Jones
A thesis submitted to Salt Lake Baptist College in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Christian Ministries
Salt Lake Baptist College
In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Masters
degree at Salt Lake Baptist College and/or Salt Lake Bible College, I agree that the
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- Required minimum Attendance for the course is 8 weeks.
- Required minimum Attendance per Lesson is 1 week.
Study Instructions:
1. Open the text book on your computer screen and study one lesson.
2. At the end of each section, return to the course main page and take the corresponding Lesson test.
Your required attendance for the next lesson does not start until the day after you achieve a passing
score on the previous lesson's test.
3. You must read every scripture referenced in the textbook in your KJV.
Reading the scriptures as they are quoted in the textbook is not sufficient to meet this requirement.
To meet the requirement you must look up and read, in your KJV, every scripture referenced in the
4. Study and pray over each lesson. Do not just simply read through it.
You will be asked on the tests if you have followed these Study Instructions.
Ch. 19—HOW CAN I BE USED? 46
Ch. 23—FEAR 57
Ch. 24—ENVY 60
Ch. 25—ANGER 64
My burden for young people began when I was a student attending a Christian
college. As I worked in the youth group of the local church, I realized that many of these
teenagers were struggling in one area or another. Although most of them had grown up
in Christian homes and had been attending church their entire lives, they were still
looking for someone to help them sort through things Biblically.
Upon graduating from college, I became a high school teacher at a Christian
school and this burden continued to grow. Throughout these years, there were many
times when I felt frustrated that I wasn’t confident about what to say when “my girls”
brought their problems to me. The responsibility of giving counsel that could influence
their lives was overwhelming, and I didn’t want to steer them wrong. However, I was no
longer content to just be a “good listener” or a “shoulder to cry on”. I wanted to be able
to help guide these young people to solve their problems Biblically. I also had the desire
to instill in them the vision of going on to serve the Lord with their lives.
Now I am a missionary’s wife in Mexico and I am still working with the teen girls
of our church here. I have in no way “arrived” as a counselor for teenagers, but I am
much more confident in giving counsel when I know that it comes straight from the
Bible! As I considered a topic for this thesis, the Lord laid this topic on my heart and I
thought that perhaps there are others who have felt the same frustration that I felt. It is
my desire to give a Biblical foundation from which we can counsel and guide the
teenagers that God brings into our paths.
In our churches today, there are young people who are in need of Godly counsel.
Some may have doubts regarding their salvation, or questions about their future, or
perhaps they have problems within their families that they are having trouble figuring
Many of these teenagers have been in church since their nursery days, and they
can spout more Bible verses than many of their fellow adult church members. Because of
this, we often assume that they are truly saved and that they actually have a desire to be
in the church serving the Lord. However, this is not always the case. They may be in
church simply because it’s the only way of life they have ever known or because their
parents force them to come.
The day comes, however, when each young person must decide where he stands
with God personally. During the teen years, a young person is faced with his future.
What will he do when he is on his own? Will he continue attending church? Will he
maintain the same standards and convictions that his parents and pastor have upheld for
him? These are serious and life-changing decisions and sadly, many Christian teenagers
are left on their own in making them. Parents and pastors may unintentionally overlook
these “church kids” and are heartbroken and shocked when their “good” teenagers go to
the world.
We must open our eyes and see the needs of our young people. And, upon seeing
these needs, we must prepare ourselves to better serve our teenagers by helping to guide
them Biblically through this crucial time in their lives.
Part One
Part One: Chapter One
Before we can begin to discuss specific counseling situations, we must be assured
that we are well-prepared as counselors. We must not enter into any counseling situation
with the idea that we can simply “wing it” or we will end up doing more harm than good.
As counselors we have a great responsibility because the counsel that we give has the
potential to influence lives in a positive or negative way. This does not mean that we
need to be fearful or bashful about proclaiming Biblical truth and being straight-forward
about sin, but we do need to be certain that we are well-armed spiritually for the work
that God has entrusted to us. We are involved in a spiritual warfare and as we attempt to
confront sin, we are entering enemy territory. Satan has no desire to watch us tear down
his strongholds and restore lives for the glory of God, and we can be assured that he will
resist our efforts in any possible way. Therefore, it is extremely necessary that we
continually examine ourselves to be sure that we are truly prepared for each counseling
opportunity that the Lord brings our way.
We must beg God for His wisdom. Contrary to the opinion of many “professional
counselors,” He is the only One who holds the answers to life’s problems and we are
simply available to be used as His mouthpiece. The Bible says in James 1:5 that if we
lack wisdom, we are to ask God for it. He then promises that “it shall be given him”. It
is not simply handed to us, however. It is “given” to us through the many ways that God
chooses to teach us about Himself. Whether it is through personal Bible study or through
the trials that God brings our way, we are to constantly be learning the mind of God and
therefore obtain wisdom!
Dr. Jeff Owens said that “Wisdom is the ability to see life through the eyes of
God.”1 This ability is not something we ask for once and then magically retain
throughout our lives. It is a continual, daily practice. The Bible tells us that we are to be
learning daily!
Proverbs 8:34
Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting
at the posts of my doors.”
If we as counselors do not have a specific time set aside daily with the Lord where
we communicate with Him through reading His Word and praying it is unreasonable to
assume that we will be able “to see life through the eyes of God”. And, if we can’t see
life through His eyes, how are we going to encourage the teenagers that we counsel to do
the same?
1 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians (Crown Point, Indiana: Owens
Publications, 1998), 18.
The Bible has much to say about wisdom and those who possess it. If we honor
and obey our parents, we are called wise.
Proverbs 13:1
“A wise son heareth his father’s instruction: but a scorner heareth not
If we seek Godly counsel ourselves, we are considered wise.
Proverbs 28:26
“He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he
shall be delivered.”
The list goes on and on. We must search the Scriptures and begin learning how to
“become wise” ourselves. If we have not yet learned how to gain the mind of God, and
through this His wisdom, then how do we intend to counsel others? “What we do with
the wisdom of God may determine what God can do with us. The things we have
learned from God are the only things worth learning from us.”2 Before we ever step
foot into a counseling situation with a teenager, we must know that we have the mind of
God and that we are prepared to share His wisdom with that teenager.
2 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians, 21.
Part One: Chapter Two
Having the wisdom (or mind) of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit go
hand in hand. The power that comes from being filled with the Spirit enables us to share
the wisdom that God is in the process of teaching us. Without this Holy Spirit power, we
will not be able to achieve success as counselors.
Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to
preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.”
Doesn’t this verse state what our goal should be as counselors? Are we not trying
to heal and restore lives for the glory of God? Is it not our goal to see Christian teenagers
delivered from their sin? Do we not want to see their eyes opened so that they can see
clearly what God has to say to them? Who better to help us as we try to “heal the
brokenhearted” than the one who the Bible calls the Comforter in John 14:26? Who
better to help us accomplish these goals than the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to do what needs to be done. The Bible says:
Ephesians 3:16
“That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be
strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.”
Without this strengthening, our counsel will be insufficient and weak. When a
person is truly yielded to the Holy Spirit’s power, the wisdom of God seems to pour out
of him. On the other hand, when we are attempting to speak without that power, our
words will be empty and shallow.
Another promise that the Bible gives to us as counselors, is that if we will truly
submit to the power of the Holy Spirit we will find that He is guiding our thoughts and
our words. In Proverbs we are given a precious promise from God.
Proverbs 1:23
“I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto
There will be times when at exactly the right moment a verse or truth from the
Bible will present itself in our minds and we will be able to successfully share with the
teenager God’s thoughts on the situation. How many times, though, do we rush ahead of
the Spirit of God and use our own logic and way of thinking? What a mess we make
when we do not depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit!
Part One: Chapter Three
The counselor must be humble. We must recognize that it is not our personality
or our talents that will truly affect changes in the lives of the young people that we
counsel. It really isn’t about us at all. We are only the vessels that God has chosen to
use. It should be our desire to be “vessels unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the
master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” (II Tim. 2:20-21) If we enter into
a counseling situation with the mindset that we can effectively minister by depending
upon our own strengths and abilities, we are destined for failure as counselors.
No one wants to listen to a proud person. It is an immediate turn-off when
someone tries to tell us “how it is” with an egotistical, arrogant attitude. The Bible says
in Proverbs 28:25 that, “he that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife...” Not only will
we not help a teenager in need when we are proud, we actually are causing him more
In Matthew 23:12, the Bible says, “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be
abased . . .” God will truly knock us off of our pedestal if we attempt to do His work our
own way. However, the last part of that verse holds the promise that “. . . he that shall
humble himself shall be exalted.” If our goal in counseling is a “pat on the back” for
our amazing insight and earth-shattering advice, then we are in the wrong business. God
will never honor us if this is the motive behind our ministry of counseling.
Proverbs 15:33
“The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is
We have the promise that we will receive the honour that God gives if we are
truly “humble in spirit”. (Prov. 29:23) This “honour” that the Bible talks about isn’t
always the flashy, in-the-spotlight type of recognition that we might desire, however. We
may never see the rewards of our labor here on earth, but we can be assured that our labor
is not going unnoticed in heaven. In I Peter 5:6, the Bible says, “Humble yourselves
therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. . .”
God’s ways truly are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. However, the
principle is very clear. If we are humble, God will lift us up!
Part One: Chapter Four
Teenagers, especially, seem to have a built-in sense regarding honesty and
hypocrisy. They are known to be able to “spot a phony” a mile away. If we truly have
the desire to reach out to them, we must be real. To be “real” means not only real in our
love and concern for their well-being, but also real in our own personal walk with the
Lord. If we are just playing a part and putting on a show, they’re going to see that and it
will only push them farther away from wanting to seek God’s direction for their lives.
Many Christian teenagers have seen too much hypocrisy in their local churches.
They have watched their parents, teachers, youth leaders, and even pastors put on a good
show while bragging about their own spirituality, and quite frankly, they are sick of it.
They want to see something real and if they don’t, they will begin to ask themselves,
“Why bother with the things of God? What’s the point?”
It is our responsibility to demonstrate to them the reality of God in our lives. In
order to do this, we must have a close, personal walk with the Lord ourselves. We must
do as the Bible says in II Corinthians:
II Corinthians 13:5
“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves,
how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?”
How often do we just go through life depending on past victories that God has
given us or past answers to prayer? We must daily “prove” that Jesus Christ is in us! We
will not be effective counselors until our own lives are right and we are truly walking
with God!
We must also be “real” in our love and concern for each teenager that we are
privileged to counsel. If we try to “fake” our concern, they will know and it will only
hinder them in making any sort of decision for God. They are looking for someone who
genuinely cares about them. Oftentimes, people fake their love and concern and they use
sugar-coated, syrupy words to gain the teenager’s approval. Teenagers don’t want this.
They would prefer someone who cares enough to tell them things in a straightforward
manner. They may not like what we tell them, but they will appreciate the honesty in our
words. Sometimes they may get mad as conviction sets in, but so often they return later
to thank the one who was willing to tell them the “hard thing”. That is being “real” in our
love for them. It is true, though, that some people are simply hard to love. It may be
because of a personality clash between the counselor and the teenager, or perhaps lack of
personal hygiene. However, if we have the mind of God, we will also have the heart of
God. We must see these teenagers as God sees them and our love for them will be real.
Part One: Chapter Five
As we counsel teenagers, we will at one time or another most likely be faced with
the temptation to lose our patience. There are several reasons for this. Perhaps we feel
that they just aren’t “getting it” and we have run out of ways to explain what we’re trying
to get across. Or, maybe they do understand and are stubbornly clinging to their own
ideas and thoughts. In either situation, we must exercise patience and continue to give
counsel from the Word of God. Dr. Jeff Owens said, “I must remind myself to be
patient when counseling youth. They do not usually admit guilt until the counselor
has exhausted all the other possibilities.”3 It can be very frustrating and may seem like
we’re running around in circles! However, patience will pay off in the end.
When we remember the patience that God has demonstrated with us and our
stubborn ways, it should inspire us to “not be weary in well doing”. (Galatians 6:9)
Oftentimes, their stubbornness is simply immaturity. They are convinced in their own
minds how things should be and it is our job to show them from the Bible the correct way
of thinking. We must remind ourselves of how often we make up our own minds about
things and refuse to consider that we might be in the wrong as we listen to the pastor
preaching or while reading our Bibles. God is patient with us and continues to put
pressure on us until we conform to His will. We also, as counselors, need to continue
patiently applying the pressure of the Word of God which will bring conviction to the
teenager’s heart.
There is a point, however, when we might need to re-evaluate a counseling
situation and determine the best course of action. When the teenager continually shows
no desire to change and has no interest in the things of the Lord, we may need to
terminate the counseling sessions and focus our efforts where they will be more effective.
However, each young person that we minister to should know that we will always be
available to counsel with them again if they are willing to look at their situation with an
open mind and heart to what the Bible says.
The topics that we have discussed are by no means all of the areas that we as
counselors need to examine. We must be open and honest before God in our desire to
counsel, and continually ask Him to show us areas in our lives that may hinder us in
giving His counsel to the young people with whom we come into contact.
3 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians. 83.
Part Two
Part Two: Chapter Six
As we prepare to counsel teenagers, there are some guidelines that we must
consider. Following these guidelines will help us in earning the respect of the teenager
we are counseling and he will then be more apt to listen to what we have to say. When
we are not careful in the practical areas of counseling, we very well could cause shame to
come to our church’s name, but more importantly to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It
is a wise counselor who is careful in the way he counsels a teenager.
1. Never meet alone with a teenager of the opposite sex. The Bible says in I
Thessalonians 5:22 that we are to “Abstain from all appearance of evil”.
We can not give any cause for doubt in our conduct with the teenagers we
counsel. Even if there is no wrong-doing, we can not open ourselves up for
possible accusations. This guideline not only protects our personal
testimonies, but also enables us to avoid temptation as well. Teenage girls,
especially, tend to seek the attention of a man and may attempt to use
counseling situations to get close to a male counselor. We must be alert to
this and use wisdom in our counseling practices. For this reason, the
counselor should always have his spouse or another Christian worker present
when counseling a teenager of the opposite sex. We can not give the devil
even an inch!
2. Do not try to be on the same level as the teenager. It is tempting to try to
talk like they do in an attempt to “break the ice,” but we will end up losing
their respect and probably look like fools in the process! Adults don’t often
succeed in trying to be on a teenage level. Instead of putting ourselves on
their level, we need to lift them up to a mature, adult level. Speak to them like
an adult and they will most often rise to the occasion. “If a counselor will let
a teenager seeking counsel be on his level, he will have more respect.”4 If
we are putting ourselves on their level, the teenager may feel that talking with
us is no different than talking to one of his peers. He has come to us seeking
counsel from an adult, not a teenager! Our goal is that the teenager will learn
to view his problem, and life in general, in a mature way. We must help him
reach that goal by speaking to him like a mature adult.
3. Listen to the teenager! We must not assume that we already know the
answer to the problem before we have even given him a chance to tell his side
of it! The Bible tells us in Proverbs how foolish that is!
4 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians, 135.
Proverbs 18:13
“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame
unto him.”
Many times teenagers are not given the opportunity to state their cause at
home. Parents often fall into the trap of thinking that they are always right
and immediately cast blame on their children. This is one of the causes of
parent/teenage friction. We, as counselors, must allow them to speak freely
and without interruption! There will be times when the teenager we are
counseling evidences the fact that he is not thinking logically or Biblically.
We will be tempted to jump in and show them the many errors in their way of
thinking. Don’t do it! These interruptions will discourage any confidence the
teenager might have in his counselor. We must show him that we respect him
and truly want to hear what he has to say. There will be plenty of opportunity
to share Biblical insight later. Let him talk and strive to be a patient listener!
A patient listener is also careful with what he is communicating with his facial
and bodily expressions. If we are listening with a critical spirit, the teenager
will sense that and will probably not be willing to open up and share what he
is really thinking and feeling. A bored expression or constantly checking the
time will also discourage a teenager from confiding in his counselor. Work at
truly listening with compassion!
4. Do not allow the counseling session to become an authority-bashing hour.
We must be good listeners, but we can not allow the teenager to be
disrespectful regarding his authorities. This includes parents, teachers, youth
directors, pastors, and most importantly, God. He should be allowed to state
his side of the story, while maintaining a respectful attitude. We must be firm
in this! If we simply allow him to rant and rave about his authorities, we are
teaching him that it’s okay to be disrespectful when he feels he is in the right.
We are actually encouraging him to sin! Those placed in authority over him
are not perfect, by any means. These men and women are human as well, and
could very well be at fault in the situation. However, God has placed them in
an authority position in the teenager’s life for a specific purpose. By
demanding that the teenager demonstrate self-control while stating his cause,
we are accomplishing what was mentioned previously. We are pulling the
teenager up to a mature, adult level. He will be allowed to share his story, but
he must maintain self-control and be respectful while doing so.
5. Do not “take sides” in any situation. Dr. Jeff Owens said, “A teenager
almost always expects an adult to gang up on him. The wise counselor
will explain that he is on the side of the right.”5 Perhaps the problem is
between the teenager and his parents. The counselor must patiently explain
5 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians, 139.
the Bible’s perspective regarding the issue, being careful not “add fuel to the
fire” by supporting the teenager’s idea that his parents are in the wrong. We
must be sure that we are impartial in the conflict when it comes to “who is
right and who is wrong”. More often than not, there is fault on both sides,
whether adult or teenager. What we must focus on, however, is the teenager
who is sitting before us. We must confront the problems in his heart and seek
to restore his relationship with God. In helping him to examine and correct,
with the Lord’s help, his own reactions and attitudes, we are helping him to
develop a mature and Biblical response to problems. We must stress that it is
not our responsibility or his responsibility to restore another person’s
relationship with God. That is between “that person” and God and we really
can’t do anything about it because “he” isn’t the one sitting in the counselor’s
office. Let the teenager know that you are actually on his side, encouraging
him to make things right with his God!
6. Let him know that you are human. If we sit in our counseling chair,
piously spouting Bible verses, the teenager will probably not even consider
the things we are saying. We must let him know that we’ve been there. This
doesn’t mean that we need to begin confessing our failures and sins so that he
will feel better about his own. We must simply reach out to him as another
sinner striving to live for the Lord. Maybe we haven’t had to deal with
exactly what he is currently working through, but we can let him know that
we understand the challenge of truly yielding to God and His will for our
lives. Teenagers aren’t looking for someone to preach to them. They are
looking for someone who will truly take an interest in their lives and will tell
them what they need to hear in a loving way.
7. Do not attempt to counsel a teenager in a public setting. This rarely works,
as teenagers are very “peer conscious”. Try to find a private place where he
can be free to open his heart without fear of what others might be thinking.
There are times when we must confront a teenager in public, perhaps in cases
of a public offense. However, these times should be few and far between.
When there is the need for a public confrontation, it should never be done to
“make an example” out of the teenager, but rather, to instruct that teenager as
well as others. The Bible says to “speak the truth in love” in Ephesians
4:15. This is true whether in a public or private setting. When a teenager is
publicly humiliated, his embarrassment turns to anger and he will lose the
respect for and confidence in his counselor. And sadly, many times that
confidence is never regained.
8. We must give hope! No matter how bleak a situation may seem to be, there
is always hope to share from the Bible. We must never allow a teenager to
leave a counseling session feeling defeated and without any hope. It is our
responsibility to show him from the Bible how God desires to use the
circumstances in his life for His own glory. We must never say, “Boy, that
sure is rough. I don’t really know what to say to you, but I’ll sure be praying
for you.” The Bible is full of verses that give hope and we have to be
prepared to offer Scriptures that specifically deal with his situation. We must
be ready to offer hope!
I Corinthians 10:13
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but
God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are
able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may
be able to bear it.”
What an amazing promise! Jay Adams said, “The counselor may extend
hope confidently to the Christian counselee upon the basis of God’s
9. Don’t give up on the teenager! There will be times when we, as counselors,
will be tempted to throw in the towel. However, we must never give in to that
temptation. Each teenager is a special creation of God and His desire is to
have fellowship with him. It is our responsibility to help restore that
fellowship between the teenager and his God. If we give up, we are telling the
teenager that essentially there is no hope for him. He is responsible for his
own choices, but if we discourage him from seeking God, we will be held
accountable for that. We must remember the patience and long-suffering that
God continually shows to us. He doesn’t give up on us, so why should we
give up on another?
There may be situations, however, when we need to step back and re-evaluate
our counseling methods. We may need to change the way we are counseling
or the number of times we meet with a teenager that evidences no desire to
change. When a teenager decides not to seek counsel and chooses to follow
after the world, he must know that we will still be there for him should he
decide to seek the Lord and come again for counseling.
10. Make him think for himself. Teenagers are very accustomed to being told
what to do and how to think, not that they are always apt to comply, but they
aren’t going to be surprised if we begin listing things that they should be
doing. If we help to guide their thinking, instead, and they begin to come up
with the things they should be doing and thinking, it will make more of an
impact. For example, when a teenager comes to us for counsel regarding a
6 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1973),
problem he is having with his parents, it is automatic for us to begin preaching
about honoring his parents, etc. However, if we turn the tables around, and
ask him what he thinks the Bible says about his situation, he may just come up
with better counsel than we could give him anyway! After all, he knows his
situation better than we do, and often just needs someone to guide his
The counselor should not have to do all of the work. Giving homework will
be beneficial to the teenager, as well. Scripture memorization, daily
devotional paragraphs, and acts of service for the Lord are just a few ideas
that we can use as homework opportunities. We need to be creative in the
type of projects we give. The teenager needs to know that in order to continue
receiving counsel, he must be willing to put something into it as well.
Part Two: Chapter Seven
When a teenager comes to us for counsel, we must help him to recognize that
there is a need for change. This may seem to be an obvious statement, but if the teenager
is only interested in lodging his complaints with a sympathetic listener, nothing will be
accomplished in the counseling session. These sessions should never become an
“authority-bashing” hour where the teenager simply gets everything off of his chest. He
may feel better when he is done, but nothing has changed. Many well-meaning
Christians try to help by lending a sympathetic ear, but in reality, they are hurting the
teenager in his walk with and view of God. He is being given the opportunity to
disrespect his authorities and when we simply listen to his complaints, he feels that his
way of thinking must be right. For this reason, we must be prepared to show him what
the Bible has to say regarding the situation.
In secular counseling, the change begins with the actual situation. However, as
Christian counselors, we must show the teenager that the change actually begins between
himself and God. Jay Adams said, “Whatever one’s other problems may be, there can
be no change that is acceptable to God, and in the long run, to the counselee, until
fundamental, positive change toward God has occurred.”7 It is easy to get wrapped
up in the “problem” to discuss and forget about the underlying source of the problem.
The Bible commands us in Mark to first love God and then to love our neighbor.
Mark 12:29b-31
“. . . The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is
like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none
other commandment greater than these.”
If we are only concerned with restoring earthly relationships, we are missing the
purpose of Biblical counseling. The end result will be an outward change that may look
good for awhile, but it will be a change that does not last. Soon, the teenager will be back
to see the counselor because he has found himself exactly where he used to be.
The teenager must examine himself to see where he has gone wrong in his
relationship with God. More than likely he is not the only one at fault; however, he is not
responsible for another person’s relationship with God. He must take responsibility for
his own sin and make things right with his God if he is ever to see true change take place.
7 Adams, Jay E., How to Help People Change, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1996), 3.
When dealing with teenagers, we often hear that the reason for teenage rebellion
is because of hormones, peer pressure, or the “natural struggle for independence”.8
Jim Berg stated it very clearly when he said that some of these things “can certainly
influence a teenager’s thoughts and choices and will need to be addressed, not one of
them strikes at the root of the problem—the teenager’s heart itself”. 9 Let us deal
with the “heart” of the teenager and help him to affect a true change by focusing on his
relationship with his God.
8 Berg, Jim, Changed Into His Image, (Greenville, South Carolina: Bob Jones University Press,
1999), 28.
9 Ibid., 28
Part Two: Chapter Eight
As we counsel teenagers, we can rest assured that we have at our disposal the only
tool that contains the answer to any problem, situation, or issue that we may encounter.
This tool is God’s inspired Word, the King James Bible. This guidebook teaches us
exactly how we ought to live and will enable us to instruct others also. This means,
however, that we must be students of the Word or we will not know where to turn for the
answers. We must do as II Timothy tells us:
II Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
How will we be able to “rightly divide the word of truth” if we have not first
studied it to know what it says? Jay Adams says it plainly when he said that “our
problem is not that we do not have what we need in the Bible, but that we do not
have enough of the Bible in us, which we need!”10 How true this is! We will be more
effective in our counseling if we are continually hiding the Word of God in our hearts.
Not only can we be confident in the tool that God has given to us, we can also
take comfort in the fact that there is no problem that will take the Lord by surprise. It
does not matter if we are living in Bible times or in the twenty-first century, the roots of
the problems faced are the same as well as the solutions. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes
1:9 that “there is no new thing under the sun”. I Corinthians 10:13 also tells us that
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man . . .” We can
then conclude that:
“if no Christian faces unique tests in life, and if Paul can say to the
church at Corinth (living in an entirely different age and culture) that
what happened to the Israelites is pertinent also to them (I Cor. 10: 6,
11), the counselor may be assured that he will face no truly unique
problems in counseling.”11
There will be times when the situation may seem “unique,” but we can be sure
that it isn’t. We must then, as counselors, identify what the root of the problem is so that
we will be able to address it correctly from the Bible. “Just as the Christian counselor
knows that there is no unique problem that has not been mentioned plainly in
Scriptures, so also he knows that there is a biblical solution to every problem.”12
10 Adams, Jay E., How to Help People Change, 32.
11 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual, 22.
12 Ibid., 23.
We should never find ourselves at a loss for words, because we can rest in the fact
that God has an answer to every problem in His Word.
I Timothy 3:16-17
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good
We have in our possession the living word of God and it is “profitable” in
enabling us to be “perfect” and “throughly furnished”. Is it not our goal as counselors to
show the teenager what the Bible says (doctrine), point out the sin that is between him
and God (reproof), explain the way to make things right (correction), and teach him how
he can continue living for and pleasing his God (instruction in righteousness)? Why then,
would we attempt to accomplish this without the tool that God has designed specifically
for that purpose?
Part Two: Chapter Nine
In order for a true change to take place in the heart of a teenager, there must be
evidence of conviction. This is then followed by the “correction and instruction in
righteousness”. Using the Bible as our tool, we as counselors are to bring to light the sin
that is causing a barrier between the teenager and God. This goes back to the point that
was made previously that the counselor must know his Bible! “We can not hope to use
the Bible to bring about Holy Spirit conviction if we don’t have the knowledge of
what Scriptures to use for specific situations, or the ability to explain thoroughly the
Scriptures we use.”13
The Bible has the power to cut to the chase and illuminate the sin if the teenager
is willing to allow its illuminating power to do so. This is a painful and uncomfortable
experience as those who desire a close relationship with Christ know. No one is perfect
and we all have to confront the sin that is in our lives. As counselors, we are helping the
teenager to confront this sin by admitting its presence and then desiring to be rid of it!
The teenager must be “knocked down” before we can help him back up! Jay Adams says
in his book How to Help People Change that the counselor must use “the Word not only
to knock counselees prostrate before the holy God they have offended, but also to
put them back on their feet”.14 We as counselors shouldn’t get pleasure out of this
“knocking down” part of counseling, but we must do it in order to restore a teenager’s
relationship with his God.
Revelation 3:19
“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and
God doesn’t get pleasure out of it either, but He rebukes and chastens us because
of His great love for us.
As counselors, we can not see inside the heart of a teenager. We can only judge
by what we see on the outside. However, we have the promise that is given in Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 17:9-10,
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can
know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every
man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
13 Adams, Jay E., How to Help People Change, 125.
14 Ibid., 139.
We can use the Bible as our tool in bringing conviction to a teenager, and then if
he is truly ready to do something about that conviction, we can begin the process of
The first step in correction is repentance. The teenager may be convicted of his
sin but not willing to repent. We must explain to him what true repentance involves. He
must first confess his sin to God as well as others whom he has offended by his sin,
seeking their forgiveness. If a teenager is not willing to do this, there is no evidence that
he is truly repentant.
Proverbs 28:13
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and
forsaketh them shall have mercy.”
The purpose of confession is to seek forgiveness. In I John 1:9 we are given the
promise that “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The teenager has the unconditional promise
that he is forgiven of God when he confess his sins to Him. However, as he confesses his
sins to others that he has offended, it is up to each individual person to decide whether or
not he will forgive. The teenager can only do his part of honestly confessing his sin and
asking for forgiveness.
The next step in the process of correction and repentance is to forsake his sin and
begin to work on pleasing the Lord in that area of his life. God will not bless him if he
continues in his sin. Again in Proverbs 28:13 it says that “. . . whoso confesseth and
forsaketh them shall have mercy”. The teenager can not confess and ask forgiveness
for his sin and then expect that the temptation to fall into that sin again will just go away.
He must make serious changes and take precautions in his life to guard himself from
those temptations. There may be times when he will fall into the same sin again and we
as counselors must be patient in going through the same steps of conviction, correction,
and instruction in righteousness again. We must remember though, that these steps are
not accomplished just by the counselor and teenager going through the motions in a stepby-
step, “repeat after me” prayer. The Bible and the Holy Spirit must affect the change.
Jay Adams said, “Correction is the pivotal point of change, in which the transfer of
thought and life from non-biblical to biblical ways begins.”15 His way of thinking
must change as he forsakes his sin.
After the teenager has been convicted of his sin, repented and asked forgiveness
from God and others he has wronged, and has forsaken that sin, he is ready to be
instructed in the ways of righteousness. Often, that is where counselors stop their
counseling. The problem is solved, so they’re ready to move on to someone else. We
must, as counselors, be ready to guide him not only in “putting off the old man” but also
in “putting on the new man” or it won’t be long and he will be back for more counseling!
15 Adams, Jay E., How to Help People Change, 146.
Ephesians chapter 4 and Colossians chapter 3 deal specifically with the need to “put off”
and “put on”. The teenager must learn how to live righteously and godly so that it will be
hard for him to fall into the traps that Satan has laid out for him. We need to emphasize
the fact that when we depend on our own righteousness we will fail.
Romans 10:3
“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to
establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto
the righteousness of God.”
The teenager’s life and habits will not change until he has submitted himself to
the righteousness of God. In Romans 6 we are given a chapter telling us how we ought to
yield ourselves to God and not to sin. As counselors we must realize that the teenager
that we are counseling has been a servant to sin. Paul writes about the kind of servants
we are to be in the book of Romans.
Romans 6:14 and 18
“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law,
but, under grace. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants
of righteousness.”
He must become the servant of righteousness, obeying and glorifying his new
Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, at all costs!
Part Three
Part Three: Chapter Ten
It may seem odd to begin a section dealing with issues that are facing Christian
teenagers with a chapter about salvation. However, unless the teenager that we are
counseling has a definite assurance of his salvation, there can be no effective change
made in his life. Without the Holy Spirit dwelling within, he will have no one to guide
him in solving his problems. John 16:13 says that “when he, the Spirit of truth, is
come, he will guide you into all truth.” We can not take for granted that a teenager
who grew up in the church is saved. He must be able to point to a definite time and place
when he repented of his sins and received Christ as his Saviour. How many times have
we seen teenagers or adults who have grown up in a Christian family humble themselves
before God and confess that they have never truly been saved?
In a way, a teenager that has grown up in church has a disadvantage. He has
never known any other way of life. He has been learning Bible verses and Bible stories
since he was a toddler. It is often hard for such a teenager to distinguish between what
has simply been a “way of life” and what is actually real. The teenager we counsel will
most likely have made a profession of faith as a child, perhaps in a Sunday School class,
Junior Church, or maybe at a Christian camp. And, now, as a teenager, he begins to
wonder if he truly understood what he was doing at the young age of four or five. He
begins to have doubts about his salvation. It is our responsibility as counselors to be
sensitive to this and ask questions that will help us to see where he stands with God. A
teenager that has grown up in church might be ashamed or embarrassed to admit that he
has doubts about his salvation.
This matter of salvation must be our first concern. We can not assume anything.
Once we know that a teenager is not sure of his salvation, we must open the Bible and
show him how he can be 100% sure that he is on his way to heaven. We must be sure
that he understands the following:
1. Good works can not save him.
Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
It does not matter that this teenager has probably been involved in the bus
ministry, works in the nursery, or that he has gone soul-winning every week.
These “works” will not save him! It is a gift and no amount of service can
buy it. (see also Titus 3:5)
2. Every man is a sinner.
Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
Although he may not have committed the gross sins of the world, in God’s
eyes he is still just as guilty and is in need of redemption.
(see also Romans 3:10)
3. There is a punishment for sin.
Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death . . .”
Sin causes separation from God, not only a separation of fellowship with Him
on this earth, but for all of eternity. (see also Romans 5:12b; Hebrews 9:27;
Revelation 21:8)
4. Jesus Christ paid our sin debt.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
He must realize the great love that God has for him in sending his Son to die
for sinners. (see also Romans 5:8; 6:23)
5. He must receive Jesus Christ as his Saviour.
Romans 10:9
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt
be saved.”
This is something he must do himself. It does not matter that his dad is a
deacon and his mom teaches a Sunday School class. No one else can receive
salvation for him. It is a personal act of faith. (see also Acts 16:31)
6. Once he is saved, it is forever!
John 10:28
“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither
shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Once he receives Christ as his Saviour, he no longer needs to have any doubt
of his eternal security. No one can take that away from him. He is saved,
once and for all!
After the teenager has accepted Christ as his Saviour, we can then begin to
counsel him concerning other matters because now the Holy Spirit is residing within and
will help to guide this young new believer!
Part Three: Chapter Eleven
One of the most common counseling issues that we will face with teenagers
concerns their relationships with the opposite sex. It seems that whenever teenagers are
asked to give ideas for topics to discuss in a youth group or a Sunday School setting,
boy/girl relationships are most always at or near the top of the list. This topic contains
many subtopics, and we will look at a few of these here. This is one area that many
teenagers struggle to completely surrender to the Lord. We must help them to see the
wonderful blessings that God will pour out on them and their future generations if they
will just yield completely to Him in this area.
In our day and age, unfortunately even in Christian circles, there are very few
boundaries when it comes to boy/girl relationships. No longer is emotional and physical
purity something to guard at all costs. Teenagers are thought of as “weird” if they have
never kissed, or experienced some level of intimacy, with a member of the opposite sex.
As we counsel these teenagers, we must stress to them the reality that their “adversary
the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Pet.
5:8). It is his goal to derail each Christian teenager by placing temptation in his path. In
her book, Passion and Purity, Elizabeth Elliot said, “If there is an Enemy of Souls (and
I have not the slightest doubt that there is), one thing he can not abide is the desire
for purity. Hence a man or woman’s passions become his battleground.”16 It needs
to be our goal then to help the teenager to bring these passions “under subjection”.
God has created each individual with natural desires and passions, and in and of
themselves they are not wrong or sinful. When we do not allow the Lord to have control
of these desires and passions however, we are inviting trouble and heartache. Teenagers
are just discovering these passions that lie within, and have not yet learned how to gain
control over them by giving them over to God. It isn’t an easy thing to do, either!
However, Elisabeth Elliot said the following in her book, Quest for Love:
“God always answers the cry of the man or the woman who wills (against
all wanting) to do His will. It is here that the battle is waged. My will
must be baptized with fire—cleansed and purified and consumed as I
offer it to God, a living sacrifice.”17
16 Elliot, Elisabeth, Passion and Purity, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company,
1984), 26.
17 Elliot, Elisabeth, Quest for Love, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company,
1996), 37.
When a teenager completely surrenders his will to God, He will enable him to
keep a tight rein on those passions. The passions will still be there, but they won’t be
dictating the actions of the teenager.
Physical intimacy is something our Christian teenagers have more than likely
heard many sermons about during special youth meetings or conferences, and yet, our
girls are still getting pregnant and many lives are continuing to be scarred. As we
counsel teenagers regarding their relationship with the opposite sex, we can not assume
that they “know better’ and would never allow themselves to be in a situation where there
is an opportunity to have marital relations with another teenager. We must not be naive
as counselors! These teenagers are being bombarded with “sex” and “pornography” from
all sides and many times youth pastors and counselors are hesitant to bring up what the
Bible has to say about the subject because it is uncomfortable. Because of our
unwillingness to address an “uncomfortable” topic, our teenagers are only receiving
guidance from one side . . . the world! We must learn how to use discernment and yet
still be direct in dealing with this in our counseling.
The Bible is very clear regarding the sin of fornication. In I Corinthians, Paul
tells us exactly how God views this sin.
I Corinthians 6:15
“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then
take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot?
God forbid.”
Our Christian teenagers need to know that by committing fornication, they are
sinning, not only against God, but also against their own bodies. There will be scars that
don’t just magically disappear when they decide to get right with God. Some of these
scars they will carry with them the rest of their lives. The same chapter goes on to say:
I Corinthians 6:18-20
“Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he
that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know
ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with
a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are
We have all heard the testimonies of teenagers and adults who have fallen into the
sin of fornication. We have seen the shame and hurt that comes as a result. We have
seen the scars that follow these teenagers and adults throughout their lives. It isn’t that
God doesn’t forgive or that He won’t use that person again, but there are often permanent
consequences that they will continue to deal with. We must impress upon our Christian
teenagers the great value of the gift that God has given to each of them . . . their purity.
There are some who may be called to a life of singlehood, but the majority of the
teenagers we counsel will one day be married. God wants them to know that He has a
mate uniquely created for them. The challenge for them will be to wait for God’s timing
in revealing that mate. Each person was created by God as a gift for his or her future
spouse. When a teenager begins to violate his purity, he is degrading the value of that
gift for his future spouse. No one desires to receive an opened, dirty, or used gift.
However, if the teenager does not guard and protect his special gift, that is exactly what
he will be offering to his future spouse as they stand together at the wedding altar.
When we speak of physical purity, we obviously immediately think of losing
one’s virginity. However, there are more areas of physical purity that we should
encourage our teenagers to guard for their future spouses. How special it is when a man
and woman stand before the wedding altar knowing that they have saved themselves
completely for each other, not only their virginity, but the intimacy of kissing, holding
hands, and hugging as well. These demonstrations of affection should also be guarded.
Not only is it an amazing gift and blessing to give to a spouse, it must also be pointed out
that it is extremely dangerous to “play around” with these acts of intimacy. We have all
heard it said, “One thing leads to another,” and it is a true statement. We must teach our
teenagers to hold themselves to the highest possible standard, so that they can not only
bless their future spouses, but most importantly, bring glory to their God! Joshua Harris
said, “We have to understand purity as a pursuit of righteousness.”18 It isn’t merely a
set of rules and regulations. If our teenagers view it as simply a line that they must not
cross, what’s to keep them from going as close to the line as they possibly can? Harris
goes on to point out that “True purity flees as fast and as far as it can from sin and

compromise.”19 Let us endeavor to instill in the teenagers that we counsel a God-given
determination that they will guard their purity!
This not only applies to physical purity (sexual relationships, hand-holding,
kissing, etc.), but also to emotional purity. What is emotional intimacy? Heather Arnel
Paulsen defines it as “a close, private relationship that would invoke strong feelings,
passions, and the senses.”20 Often a teenager will say, “Oh, we’re just friends!” And,
yet, they share personal secrets and lean on each other emotionally. How often have we
heard this “we’re just friends” statement made and then months down the road the girl
comes to us crying because she’s pregnant and doesn’t know what she is going to do?
Not only do our teenagers need to be careful in their “dating/courting” relationships, but
also in so-called “friendships” with the opposite sex.
Today, it is common for teenagers to be close friends with a guy or a girl and
share the kind of emotional intimacy that should only be shared between a married
couple. Teenagers are opening up parts of themselves that should never be opened up to
another teenager of the opposite sex. Girls, especially, tend to share their hearts and
18 Harris, Joshua, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Books, 1997), 91.
19 Ibid., 91.
20 Paulsen, Heather Arnel, Emotional Purity, (Enumclaw, Washington: Winepress Publishing, 2001), 40.
reveal secret things about themselves in an attempt to further strengthen a bond between
themselves and another person. When they do this, pain and suffering usually follows.
Eventually, one or the other decides they would rather share a bond with someone else
and hurt feelings and broken hearts are the result. Or, their bond becomes stronger and
stronger and they have eventually shared and exposed every secret part of themselves.
By this point, the emotions are so out of control, that there is nothing left to share except
their bodies and fornication inevitably follows.
We have allowed our teenagers to become “too familiar” with each other. When
the emotions start to soar, there is no stopping them! If a teenager experiences this
emotional intimacy with others of the opposite sex before he is married, he is not
guarding his special gift for his future spouse.
Another area to be aware of regarding this idea of emotional purity is the sin of
“defrauding” our brothers and sisters in Christ. Webster defines defrauding as “to
swindle or cheat.” Basically, to defraud someone is to steal or cheat them out of
something they are saving for someone or something else. “One could define it as
teasing them with what they can not have.”21 The Bible tells us clearly that we are not
to defraud one another.
I Thessalonians 4:3-6
“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should
abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to
possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of
concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man
go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord
is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.”
When teenagers become emotionally intimate, they are cheating each other, and
their future spouses, out of the pure and undefiled relationship that God desires them to
have with their future spouses. They are also in a sense “teasing” each other with the
forbidden “sexual act”. “In our society, there is a common acceptance of defrauding
one another in uncommitted, emotionally intimate friendships between men and
women.”22 We must, as counselors, do our best to “reverse the trend” with the teenagers
that we counsel. Most people realize and appreciate the idea of physical purity, but how
much more special when one guards his emotional purity as well!
Another way that teenagers defraud others is in the area of dress. When a teen
girl dresses in a way that causes a teen boy to lust after her, she is sinning against God
and against that boy! Our teen boys have enough of a challenge keeping their thoughts
pure as they deal with billboards and the magazine covers at the grocery store check-out
counter. They should be able to focus on spiritual things when they come to church!
21 Paulsen, Heather Arnel, Emotional Purity, 57.
22 Ibid., 58.
However, our teen girls don’t allow them to do that, and it is sin. We must encourage
our teen girls to set high dress standards for themselves so that they will not defraud their
Christian brothers.
Another topic that often comes up among different youth groups is the idea of
dating versus courting. There have been books written and a lot of talk about the idea of
courtship as opposed to dating. Many times it is simply how one defines the two terms
that makes the difference. Some people use the term “dating” and actually agree
completely with those who would never use that term. Parents must set the guidelines in
their homes in the arena of dating/courting. However, we as counselors, can help
teenagers by sharing the Biblical guidelines discussed in this chapter as well as in the
following chapter.
In our society today it is considered “normal” to date around, as if “trying on”
another person to see how they “fit”. In this process, young men and women are
becoming emotionally attached to many different people and in the end there isn’t much
left for the one that they marry! Whichever “term” we want to use, let us encourage our
young people to guard their purity as a precious gift for the unique person that God has
set aside for them to marry!
Part Three: Chapter Twelve
When listening to teenagers talk about a girl or a guy that they like, they tend to
focus on the physical attributes of that person. We might hear something like, “He’s
sooooo cute! I think I’m in love!” or “She is sooooo hot! That’s the one for me!” The
Bible gives a lot of guidance in the area of choosing a life’s mate and as surprising as it
may be to the teenager, the outward, physical characteristics are not the deciding factor!
The Bible teaches that it is the inner man of the heart that the teenager needs to be
concerned about because therein lies the true person. In fifty years, as wrinkles begin to
make their appearance and false teeth sit in a jar on the dresser at night, those physical
attributes that originally won his heart aren’t going to seem quite as important as they
once did. What will be treasured by a husband or wife, however, will be the sweet,
Godly spirit that his or her spouse possesses. We must help the teenager to focus on that
“inner man” when seeking a spouse!
Although teenagers have not come to the place in their lives where they are
actually ready to actively seek the spouse that God has for them, we must prepare them
now before that day comes! It is a topic that they are interested in and the decisions they
make about this topic now will affect them for the rest of their lives. So, ignoring the
topic because we are trying not to encourage boy/girl relationships is foolish. Again, if
the only input they are receiving regarding these relationships is coming from the
television and peers, they’re in trouble! We must give them Biblical guidance in this area
so that they will have some guidelines to help them refocus when the emotions begin to
Many teenagers ask the all-too-common question, “But, how did you know that
your husband was the one for you?” They want to do the will of God in this area, but it
can seem confusing to them. The teenager must first trust God’s leading. Proverbs gives
us a precious promise.
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
If a teenager will truly trust God and keep his heart and mind open to the way the
Lord leads, God promises that He will show him His perfect will regarding a life’s mate.
Many times the hard part is the “lean not unto thine own understanding” part. We
often get it into our heads that we know exactly what we need, when in reality, it’s what
our flesh wants. In the end, however, if we follow the will of God, we will see both our
needs and wants met!
As counselors, we should encourage each teenager to make a list of some qualities
that must be evident in someone who could be their life’s mate. We can give them some
Biblical guidelines to help them begin their list. Here are a few of them:
1. He/she must be a born-again Christian. The Bible says very clearly that we
are not to be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers” in II Corinthians
6:14. Some teenagers unwisely think that they will be able to “win” a lost boy
or girl to Christ after they are dating or married. This rarely happens and it is
never God’s plan for a Christian to marry an unbeliever. How often do we see
the heartache of a Christian man or woman who is trying to raise their
children for God, but their spouse doesn’t want anything to do with the things
of God? This causes a lot of tension in the home and the children end up
suffering as well. There is no exception in this area. A Christian teenager
must not even consider dating or marrying an unsaved person.
2. He/she must be spiritually minded.
Amos 3:3
“Can two walk together except they be agreed?”
If the teenager we are counseling is spiritually minded and desiring the will of
God for his life, he will want to marry someone that has the same mindset.
Romans 8:5-8
“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they
that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally
minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because
the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of
God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh can not
please God.”
Dr Jeff Owens said, “Two people who want to be married should desire
Christ above all else. They should love and want Him more than they
desire a marital partner.”23 A person, whose strongest desire is for another
and not for Christ, will continue in this pattern of placing people or things
before God. God will not honor and bless a marriage where He is not in first
3. He/she must be a hard worker.
Proverbs 15:19
“The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the
righteous is made plain.”
23 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians, 244.
If a guy or a girl does not have a good work ethic before marriage, they will
more than likely continue to be lazy after they are married. Good looks won’t
keep the house clean or supply food for the table!
4. He/she must maintain self-control.
Proverbs 22:24, 25
“Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou
shalt not go. Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.”
A person that can not control his temper will undoubtedly have other areas in
his life over which he has no control as well. The Bible says that we are to
avoid a friendship with such a person, let alone a union in marriage!
5. He/she must be stable.
James 1:8
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
If a prospective mate can not hold a steady job or seems to constantly be
changing his plans and decisions, beware!!! Be sure also that he does not
waver in his convictions and beliefs. A person that can not stand firm in these
areas will most likely continue to be “unstable” throughout his marriage.
6. He/she must be committed. First of all, he must be committed to God and to
serving Him with his life. If he is faithful to this commitment he will be
faithful to his marriage as well. Be sure that he is actively involved in
Christian service and does not take this service lightly.
7. He/she must be respectful. First of all, he must be respectful toward God. If
he does not pay close attention to the preacher during a sermon, he probably
won’t pay close attention when God is trying to speak to him through his own
personal devotions, either.
Secondly, he must be respectful toward his authorities, whether they are his
parents, pastor, teachers, etc. He must show them honor and treat them in a
respectful manner. The saying, “Watch how a man treats his mother, because
that is how he will treat his wife someday,” is true in many cases.
We have listed many things to consider when advising someone who is praying
about God’s will regarding a spouse. No one is perfect, but there are certain character
traits that should be evident.
We must also remind the teenager seeking counsel that it is a lot easier to make a
list of what someone else should be, than it is to hold ourselves to the same high standard.
We must encourage the teenager to be sure that he is working on becoming the kind of
person that a Godly young man or woman would consider for a spouse as well as looking
for a person that fits these character traits.
The young person that is truly seeking God’s will in this area of finding a spouse
must then learn to wait for God’s timing in bringing that spouse. This period of waiting
will be a different length for each individual, but what God wants us to do with that
period is the same no matter the length. We are to be busy while we wait! God has a
plan for the single years of every Christian. The Bible talks about this in I Corinthians.
I Corinthians 7:32, 34-35
“But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth
for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: . . .
There is a difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried
woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in
body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the
world, how she may please her husband. And this I speak for your own
profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is
comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.”
The purpose during those single years is to truly “attend upon the Lord without
distraction”.24 How often, though, do singles become selfish, using their time only for
themselves? Heather Paulsen said, “When singles keep their attention or energy
focused on themselves and not on a love relationship with God, they miss out on
many activities that would bring about deep satisfaction.”25 She also goes on to say
that by focusing on serving the Lord instead of self, they are actually ensuring a better
marriage because they will have practiced being selfless! So, instead of worrying and
fretting about when “Mr. or Mrs. Right” will come along, we must encourage our young
people to get busy serving God and He will bring that person at exactly the right time!
Here are seven Biblical principles with which we can encourage young people in
waiting on the Lord’s timing for their life’s mate.
1. Every child of God is complete in Christ. The world will try to tell our
young people that unless they have a girlfriend or boyfriend in their lives, they
are not complete. This is a lie of Satan because the Bible specifically tells us
that we are complete in Him.
24 Paulsen, Heather Arnel, Emotional Purity, 126.
25 Ibid., Emotional Purity, 126.
Colossians 2:6-10
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him;
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been
taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil
you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after
the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all
the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is
the head of all principality and power:”
2. Every child of God has acceptance from God, so we need not seek the
approval of others.
Galatians 6:4
“But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing
in himself alone, and not in another.”
It shouldn’t matter what the world is telling our young people, because their
focus should be to gain the approval of God and not their peers.
3. Our purpose in life, no matter whether we are single or married is to
bring glory to God.
I Corinthians 6:19-20
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye
are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your
spirit, which are God’s.”
When a person marries it doesn’t mean that he has suddenly “arrived” in the
sight of God and is now important enough to serve and glorify Him. God
simply commands all Christians to bring glory to Him!
4. To be truly happy, the inward man must be right with God. Happiness
does not depend on circumstances. Matthew 5:3-12 gives us the list of those
who are blessed of God in the passage known as the “Beattitudes”. When we
are right with the Lord, we are truly blessed!
5. When we feel lonely, we are desiring fellowship from another rather than
the fellowship we are promised from God. Often in our carnal minds we
have horizontal vision and only focus on the friendships and fellowship of
those around us and we lose sight of the fact that man will fail us. When we
are dependent on what we can get out of our earthly friendships we are sure to
feel lonely and depressed. However, the Lord will never fail us and He longs
for us to desire His fellowship.
Psalm 73:25
“Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I
desire beside thee.”
6. God gives a special honor to those who choose not marry in order to serve
Him more effectively. The Bible tells us in I Corinthians 7:32-34 that a
single person is more able to “care for the things of the Lord, how he may
please the Lord” than a married person. Isaiah also tells us of the special
place a single person holds in God’s eyes.
Isaiah 56:3-5
“ . . . neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith
the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things
that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give
in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons
and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be
cut off.”
7. When our thoughts and actions are not what they should be, our desire
for marriage can become overwhelming.
Proverbs 4:23
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
When a single person allows himself to dwell on the fact that he isn’t married,
it will cause him to desire marriage even more. Also, when he becomes
involved in immoral actions such as pornography or physical intimacy he is
distorting the Biblical desire for marriage.
We must, as counselors of Christian teenagers, encourage our young people to
wait for the one that God would have for them to marry, and to do it on His timetable!
Part Three: Chapter Thirteen
Sadly, in our day and age, one of Satan’s most successful tools in the battle for a
Christian teenager’s mind and purity is pornography. It is so readily available to him
through the internet, television, and he can even download it onto his cell phone! This
wicked device of the devil is destroying our young people and because it is so easily
accessible, many parents and pastors are completely unaware that the destruction is
taking place until it is too late!
We, as counselors, must be ready to help a young person break down this
stronghold in his life. We can show him what the Bible clearly says in Matthew about
lustful thoughts.
Matthew 5:27-28
“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not
commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a
woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his
It isn’t just the outward act of adultery that God is concerned about, but also the
inward lustful thoughts. The Bible also says that “out of the heart proceed evil
thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies : . .”
What he allows himself to think about today will become his actions tomorrow.
Pornography leads to fornication, which leads to heartache and destruction. Here are
some more verses that we can share with teenagers regarding the sin of pornography.
1. God commands us to be holy.
I Peter 1:14-16
“As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former
lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye
holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I
am holy.”
2. A person can not play around with sin without being burned.
Proverbs 6:25-29
“Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can
one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that goeth in to
his neighbour’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.”
The teenager may not have actually committed the act of fornication, but we
have seen in Matthew that even to look lustfully upon a woman is considered
fornication in one’s heart. We must warn the teenager of the destruction and
pain that comes from playing with sin!
3. Only the rewards of doing the will of God will last for eternity.
I John 2:16,17
“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the
world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of
God abideth forever.”
The carnal things that seem so important now are worth nothing in light of
eternity. Serving the Lord brings rewards that will never die or decay.
We can also help these teenagers who are struggling with pornography by
providing accountability for them. If they are truly willing to allow the Lord to work a
change in their heart regarding this sin, they must be willing to give up some things in
order to avoid temptation. There may be a period of time when they should have no
access to a computer, television, or cell phone. We can work with parents on this. We
can also provide homework such as Scripture memory, weekly visitation, and service
within the church. We must help him to fill the time spent previously in pornography
with opportunities to grow and serve God!
Part Three: Chapter Fourteen
Many teenagers are consumed with bitterness. There are a multitude of reasons
why teenagers become bitter. Physical or emotional abuse, unfair treatment, divorced
parents, or jealousy, are just a few of the most common excuses given. Dr. Jeff Owens
“If a person is bitter with God, more than likely it is because of an
unwanted circumstance in life. However, if that circumstance in life is a
tough one, we must still accept it and know God allowed it in His great
love. We must never be bitter at God.”26
There is no doubt that some of the teenagers we will counsel have “had it rough”.
The abuse that goes on in homes today is horrendous and wicked. However, we as
counselors must deal with the root of the problem and that is the sin of bitterness.
Bitterness can be likened to a poison. After a person ingests poison, its
destructive work begins to wreak havoc on the inside and then eventually makes its way
outward for all the world to see. A bitter person can not hide the fact that he is bitter. It
distorts his countenance, his words, and his actions. What may have begun as bitterness
toward one person, eventually becomes bitterness toward everyone and everything, just
as poison begins by affecting one organ and in the end destroys them all!
Ephesians 4:31
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil
speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.”
If we are told here to “put it away” then it must have been a choice we made to
“pick it up” in the first place. It does not matter what the circumstances are, each person
chooses whether or not he will become bitter. As we listen to the story behind a
teenager’s choice to be bitter, we must remember that although what he is saying may be
true, he has reacted sinfully by taking on the sin of bitterness. We can not become
influenced by the circumstances as he has been influenced by them. This does not mean
that we are not empathetic or compassionate regarding the things he is going through, but
we can not refrain from pointing out his own sinful responses to these circumstances. We
will not help a teenager to overcome bitterness by encouraging him to be bitter!
The answer to the problem of bitterness is found in the Word of God. A teenager
must first of all admit and confess his sin of bitterness.
26 Owens, Dr. Jeff, Practical Counseling Principles for Christians, 171.
Psalm 51:3
“For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.”
He will be tempted to justify his bitterness by what has happened to him, but he
must take responsibility for his own sinful actions of allowing bitterness to enter his
heart. The teenager must then ask forgiveness for his sin of bitterness.
I John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
We must point out to the teenager that if he chooses not to confess this sin, the
Lord will not hear his prayers.
Psalm 66:18
“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:”
Once his relationship with his God is restored, the teenager must determine with
the Lord’s help not to allow the bitterness to take hold of him again. He must instead
replace the bitterness with good things such as quoting Bible verses when he is tempted
to have bitter thoughts. We as counselors can help him by providing accountability in
this area.
Part Three: Chapter Fifteen
We are bombarded with this topic of self esteem from every side! The world tells
us that we must “feel good” about ourselves in order to be happy. Teenagers often fall
for this lie of Satan and think that they have to be beautiful, thin, or popular in order to
achieve true happiness. This is the message they are receiving from Hollywood,
magazines, and their peers. They are constantly seeking approval and if they don’t
happen to think that they measure up, they believe that they can not be happy.
For this reason, many teenagers (mostly girls), fall into the trap of anorexia or
bulimia. They believe that in order to be happy they must be accepted. And, in order to
be accepted, they have to have what the world calls “a perfect body”. Even our Christian
girls are falling for this lie of Satan and proceed to do serious damage to their bodies in
an effort to become something that they are not.
As we counsel these teenagers, we must remind them what I Corinthians says:
I Corinthians 6:19, 20
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye
are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your
spirit, which are God’s.”
They have been purchased by God and their bodies are not their own! The Bible
tells us that we must recognize that there is nothing good about us, except what we are in
Christ. No matter how hard we try, our physical bodies will never “add up” in the
world’s eyes, therefore we must encourage teenagers to strive to better themselves
spiritually because by doing so they will be increasing their value in the eyes of the One
Who purchased them!
The current trend of feeling sorry for one’s self and being labeled as having low
self-esteem goes against the Bible. The Bible tells us that we are not to make provision
for the flesh. We are to seek the spiritual and not the carnal.
Romans 8:12, 13
“Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the
flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the
Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”
If a teenager will truly “die to self,” he will not struggle with his self-esteem. He
will be so busy concentrating on the things of the Lord that there will be no place in his
mind for carnal thoughts. Let us strive to encourage teenagers to truly have the mind of
Part Three: Chapter Sixteen
There will be times when a teenager will come to us for comfort. Perhaps they
are dealing with the death of a loved one, parental divorce, or some other kind of personal
grief. We must be ready to give them Biblical comfort so that they can experience the
peace that only God can give. Our own words will seem empty and won’t accomplish
much, but, we have been given many promises of comfort in the Bible that we can share
with them.
II Corinthians 1:3-4
“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our
tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any
trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
What better way to comfort another, than with the comfort that God has given to
us? Here are some promises that we can share with a teenager in his time of need.
1. God will never leave him. If he is truly born again, he is never alone.
Psalm 73:23, 24
“Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my
right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive
me to glory."
The teenager may feel alone in his problem and that no one cares. What a
blessing to be able to share with him that God is actually there holding his
2. God will be his strength.
Psalm 91:1-2
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and
my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”
Even in the most difficult of circumstances, God promises that He will be a
refuge and fortress for the teenager.
3. God will be his guide.
Psalm 139:9-10
“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of
the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold
It does not matter where he is in his life, whether on top of the mountain or in
the valley. God promises that He will lead him!
4. God will work it out for good.
Romans 8:28, 31
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. What shall we
then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
The situation may seem bleak, but we can share with the teenager the promise
that God can take even a bad situation and turn it into good if he loves Him
and seeks His will!
5. God will give him grace.
II Corinthians 9:8
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you: that ye, always
having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”
No matter what the crisis, God is there with His grace to enable the teenager
to get through it!
As counselors, we must be prepared to offer hope to a teenager who is
confronting a crisis in his life. By sharing the comfort of the Scriptures, the teenager can
choose to place his problems in the hands of his loving Saviour.
Part Three: Chapter Seventeen
In every teen group, there will be conflicts between teenagers. There are
personality clashes and teenagers often begin to form “cliques”. As we try to help them
to solve their differences and be unified as a teen group, we must look beyond the actual
circumstances of the dispute and identify the sin that is the true source of the problem.
Perhaps it is the sin of jealousy or self-centeredness that is the root. When we know the
source, we can deal with that sin and help to solve the problem.
There will be differences in personality among teenagers, and we are given the
opportunity to teach them how to live in harmony with others who may not think exactly
like they do or have the same interests that they have. It is easy to love someone who is
in agreement with us, but much more difficult to love someone who always seems to be
in opposition. If a teenager can truly learn the principle that is taught in the following
verses, he will have learned something that many Christian adults still have not learned.
Matthew 5:43-48
“Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and
hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use
you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for he
maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on
the just and on the unjust.
For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even
the publicans the same?
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do
not even the publicans so?
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
If we can instill in the teenager a love for people, whether or not they are
“lovable” in the world’s eyes, God will be able to greatly use him. The key is teaching
them to see people through the eyes of God.
Part Three: Chapter Eighteen
Another problem often confronted when dealing with teenagers is the sin of
gossip. Girls, especially, seem to have a tendency toward this sin. Backbiting can cause
serious damage to a youth group and ultimately the name of Christ, so it is not something
to be taken lightly. We must be wise as counselors to identify the true source of the sin,
however. Often, backbiting is a result of another sin such as envy or pride, and so we
must also deal with this sin. There are many verses in the Bible that deal with backbiting
and gossiping and we must show the teenagers God’s view of this sin.
1. Gossiping causes wounds.
Proverbs 18:8
“The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the
innermost parts of the belly.”
The teenager needs to know that it isn’t just “empty talk”. Words can
seriously injure others and cause them to turn away from God.
2. A gossiper can not be trusted.
Proverbs 11:3
“A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit
concealeth the matter.”
A teenager should not be close friends with someone who gossips. The
teenager can rest assured that if his friend is willing to talk about others, he
will most surely talk about him as well when he isn’t around. Encourage him
to seek friends that the Bible calls “faithful!”
3. Gossiping causes strife.
Proverbs 26:20-21
“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no
talebearer, the strife ceaseth. As coals are to the burning coals, and wood
to a fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.”
When there is no backbiting and gossiping, there will be peace and unity in a
youth group or Christian school.
4. We are commanded not to speak evil.
Psalm 34:13
“Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.”
It is rare to find a person with a disciplined tongue. When a teenager feels
that he has been wronged, his natural reaction is to begin spouting about what
happened! The Bible has much to say about using discretion as we choose our
words. The tongue has often been said to be the “meanest member of the
church,” however it can also be the “kindest member of the church!” It has
the power to rip and destroy, but it also can lift up and encourage!
Part Three: Chapter Nineteen
Each teenager is a unique creation of God and has been created with a specific
personality that God intends to use for His glory. If we can show the teenagers that we
work with how God wants to use each personality, it could help to solve some of the
discord in our church youth groups and Christian schools. It will also motivate and
encourage the teenagers to look for ways that they can serve God during their youth.
Each person has been given different gifts and each of these gifts work together to
form a whole that will bring more glory to God. For example, one teenager may be
considered a “computer nerd” while another is extremely athletic. The teenager who is
computer savvy may be used of God to help prepare power point presentations for the
youth group or put together a website displaying the ministries of the church. The
athletic teenager can be used of God by using his sports abilities to form intramural teams
through which he can invite lost teenagers to church or by helping with the children’s
classes such as AWANA or Patch the Pirate Club. These young children will enjoy
playing the games with him, but will also be looking to him as a spiritual leader. Both of
these teenagers can be used for God in a great way! God promises to bless and prosper
those who serve Him.
II Chronicles 31:21
“And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and
in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all
his heart, and prospered.”
I Corinthians 15:58
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
Sometimes we mistakenly think that once our young people become adults they
will magically desire to work in the different ministries of the church. But, so often, that
doesn’t happen. We must begin now to show them where God can use them! Be creative
and consider each teenager’s personality and gifts as you encourage them to take part in a
Part Three: Chapter Twenty
When counseling teenagers, a question that often comes up is, “How do I find
God’s will for my life?” As counselors, we need to be ready to use our Bibles as we
guide these teenagers in making decisions. Many teenagers feel frustrated because the
future seems so “unknown” and they often wish that God would just send them a
telegram telling them exactly what they are to do, whom they are to marry, and where
they are to go! What they do not realize is that God has given them a “telegram” that
answers all of those questions . . . the Bible (KJV)!
Finding God’s will isn’t as mysterious and confusing as most Christians seem to
think. We must remind teenagers who their God is and what He is not. God is loving
and kind and it is not His desire that His will should be confusing to His children. I
Corinthians 14:33a says, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace . . .”
How often do we see teenagers in a state of panic and frustration as they try to decide
where to go to college, which career path to study, whom to marry, etc? This doesn’t
describe the “peace” mentioned in I Corinthians!
There are so many promises of God’s guidance in the Bible. Here are a few of
them that we can share with a teenager to assure him that God truly does desire to guide
him in making the decisions in his life.
1. God promises to guide our way.
Isaiah 30:21
“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way,
walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the
There doesn’t seem to be any guesswork in that! He says he will guide
specifically “to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left!”
2. God promises to guide us even unto death.
Psalm 48:14
“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even
unto death.”
He doesn’t plan to stop guiding us when we get old and near death. This
guidance is a promise that stays with us throughout our entire lives!
3. God delights to guide the steps of a good man.
Psalm 37:23
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in
his way.”
Notice it says a “good man”. A teenager will not receive guidance from the
Lord if his ways are not pleasing to the Lord. He must make things right
between himself and God to be able to receive the promised guidance.
4. God promises that His righteousness will direct our way.
Proverbs 11:5
“The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked
shall fall by his own wickedness.”
Here there is a promise to the righteous as well as to the wicked. The teenager
needs to know that if he follows his own carnal way of thinking he will fall.
5. God promises that He will direct our paths when we acknowledge Him.
Proverbs 3:6
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” It says
“all thy ways”.
Sometimes teenagers just want His guidance in the big decisions that they
face, the ones that seem more important. God, however, wants to be his
Guide in every area, even the small, minute details of his life.
6. God promises to lead us and not forsake us.
Isaiah 42:16
“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them
in the paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before
them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and
not forsake them.”
We must remind the teenager that God may lead him through some difficult
times, but he must cling to the promise that He will not leave him!
7. God promises to be continually with us.
Psalm 73:23, 24
“Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my
right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive
me to glory.”
When talking about the “will of God” it often seems to be some far-off magical
idea, when actually it involves the practical things of every-day life. There are some
definite teachings in the Bible that are the will of God for every believer.
The first place that a teenager needs to start in “discovering the will of God” for
his life is with the things that he already knows that he should be doing. The Bible has
clear direction for many areas of his life such as church attendance, soul-winning,
obedience to parents and other authorities, separation from the world, tithing, etc. If a
teenager is not “doing the will of God” in these basic things, how can he expect God to
bestow upon him a greater calling? So, as counselors, we need to ask some questions to
help a teenager to evaluate where he stands with God. Is he fulfilling God’s will for his
life right now? Often teenagers are only interested in the future and aren’t willing to
begin now to do His will in the seemingly mundane, ordinary tasks.
When a teenager is fulfilling the things that God has for him now, and he truly
desires to know God’s will for the future, God promises that He will show it to him. In
Psalms David cries out to God saying,
Psalm 139:23, 24
“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way
First of all, David prays for God to inspect his heart. When a teenager wants to
know exactly what God would have him to do in a certain situation or for a life decision,
he needs to be completely honest before God. David didn’t want any thing to stand
between himself and God. Sometimes teenagers come for counsel regarding decisions
only because they want a stamp of approval on something that they have already made up
their minds to do. They aren’t truly wanting to know what God says if it happens to be
contrary to what they have already solidified in their minds. So, many may give up right
here in the first step. However, if he is willing to be honest before God, he is ready for
the next step.
After asking to be searched, David then asked the Lord to try him. If a teenager
isn’t willing to be tried or proven by God in every area, he won’t be ready for the future
that God has for him. When things start to get uncomfortable as God asks him to get rid
of some music, or a girlfriend, or even some seemingly good thing that takes too much of
his time away from the things of God, that is where the teenager is put to the test. If he is
willing to go through the “trying,” and will allow God to purge his life of anything that
stands between himself and God, he is ready for God’s direction.
Lastly, David asks God to direct him in the way everlasting. The primary way
that God chooses to lead His children is through His Word and through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says in John 5:39 to “Search the Scriptures.” We need to stress to the
teenager that his roadmap is the Bible and he must be a good student of God’s Word.
II Timothy 2:14
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not
to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
He can not expect God to direct his path if he isn’t studying His roadmap. He
would never attempt to travel to some unknown place without first consulting a map!
Neither should he expect to figure out what God’s plan is for his life without checking
with the roadmap of life. The Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit leads us.
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
The Holy Spirit lives inside each saved person and one of His jobs is to help guide
the believer in the right things.
Galatians 5:16
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the
When we do not “walk in the spirit” we then grieve the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:30
“And grieve not the holy spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the
day of redemption.”
If a teenager is deciding on a course of action he needs to ask himself if the Holy
Spirit will be grieved by his actions. He must allow the Holy Spirit free reign to guide
him in the way he should go.
Many Christians rely too much in circumstances and the opinions of others to
“guide” them. God does sometimes use circumstances to lead but never by the
circumstances alone. A teenager must have the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s guidance to
back up what the circumstances are telling him. He also does use the advice/counsel
given by men, such as pastors, parents, and counselors, when that advice/counsel is based
upon Biblical principles. He must be cautious, however, to not take the “word of a man”
as the “word of God” unless that man is reading from the Bible. So often people do
exactly what a man tells them without praying themselves and reading their Bibles.
Proverbs 11:14
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers
there is safety.”
The teenager just needs to be sure that the Bible and Holy Spirit are in that
“multitude of counsellers” that he is listening to. We as counselors, then, need to
encourage the teenagers that come to us to fulfill the will of God that is laid out clearly
for him in the Bible, and then rely on the direction of the Bible and the Holy Spirit as
they make decisions.
Part Three: Chapter Twenty-One
Sometimes teenagers will come to us and feel that they can never be truly used of
God because of some mistakes they have made in the past. Not all of our Christian
teenagers have been raised in church since they were babies and there will probably be
some who didn’t get saved until their teen years. They may have some baggage and scars
from their lives prior to salvation and may need some counsel as to how to deal with it.
There are many promises in the Bible regarding our sin and guilt. Here are a few
of them that we can share with teenagers who need to be reminded of God’s mercy and
1. God promises to forgive our sins.
I John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
He doesn’t say from “some” of our unrighteousness, He said, “ALL!” We
must be sure that the teenager has truly confessed the sins of his past and then
we can assure him from this verse that they have been forgiven and cleansed!
2. God promises to have mercy upon us.
Isaiah 55:7
“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts:
and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and
to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”
When a teenager is willing to forsake his wicked way and unrighteous
thoughts, God promises to forgive him!
3. God promises not to turn His face from us.
II Chronicles 30:9
“ . . . for the Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn
away his face from you, if ye return unto him.”
No matter what the teenager has been involved in, he has the promise that
God will not turn away from him.
4. God promises to remove our transgressions.
Psalm 103:12
“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us.”
The teenager can rest assured that his sins aren’t hanging around any more to
condemn him!
5. God promises that He will not remember our sins.
Hebrews 8:12
“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their
iniquities will I remember no more.”
What an amazing promise! Satan will often bring to mind sins of the past in
an attempt to discourage a teenager, but he can hold to the promise that God
will not remember them. Jeremiah 31:34 says, “ . . . for I will forgive their
iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” It isn’t that God forgets
the sin, He chooses not to remember it! This is an act of love!
As we counsel teenagers regarding their past mistakes, we must encourage them
that the past does not have to determine the future. They have choices to make that will
determine how they will live and what their future will be like. We must encourage them
to put the past behind them and seek to live their lives for the Lord.
Romans 13:12, 14
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the
works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. . . But put ye on
the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the
lusts thereof.”
It is true that some may have scars from the past that aren’t just going to
magically go away when they decide to live for Christ, but God is ready to use even those
scars for His glory if they will just let Him.
Philippians 3:13b-14
“ . . . forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto
those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
They must put those things in the past behind them and set a goal of pleasing and
glorifying God with the rest of their lives!
Joshua Harris said it well in his book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye:
“Not one of us can stand completely pure before God. We are all
sinners. But no matter how filthy the rags of our defilement may be, in a
moment of true surrender the heart turned toward God loses its
impurity. God clothes us in Christ’s righteousness. He no longer sees
our sin. He transfers Jesus’ purity to us. So see yourself as God sees
you—clothed in radiant white, pure, justified.”27
As counselors, we must not only encourage a teenager to “forget those things
which are behind,” but also as the verse continues, to “press toward the mark”. How can
we help a teenager to do this? The first step a teenager needs to make is to be sure that
his “slate is clean” before God. Has he truly confessed and repented of his past sins?
Has he “pulled down the strongholds” as II Corinthians 10 admonishes us to do? Has he
removed the sinful influences in his life? If so, he is ready for the next step.
He must then look for some Godly people he can trust to be accountable to
whether it be his parents, his pastor, or his counselor. Teenagers can help other teenagers
in this area, but there should be a mature Christian the teenager looks up to as a spiritual
leader that he is ultimately accountable to. If we as counselors are going to act as his
accountability, we need to set up specific times when we can check up on the teenager
and see how he is doing. We should be ready with questions, but also encouraging
Next, the teenager needs to “establish protective boundaries”.28 He must be
willing to avoid situations that will bring temptation. This takes thought beforehand and
the determination to make decisions about where the teenager will and will not go. He
can not expect to avoid falling into sin if he continually puts himself in the path of
Lastly, he needs to beware of outside influences. Satan is astute at sneaking
through those carefully laid boundaries and before the teenager even knows what is
happening, he will be swayed to do wrong. He must do as the Bible says in I Peter:
I Peter 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
Outside influences could include television, friends, cell phone, computer, or a
number of other things. The teenager must surround himself with godly influences such
as serving in the church with godly staff members, soul-winning with friends who want
to serve the Lord as well, memorizing Scripture, listening to good preaching tapes,
27 Harris, Joshua, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, 107-108.
28 Ibid., 116.
reading his Bible and good Christian biographies, or books on Christian living. These are
just a few examples of the influences he should work toward having around him at all
Through these steps we can encourage a teenager to truly put the past in the past
and focus on what God has for him in the future. This doesn’t mean that Satan won’t try
again to whisper in his ear, reminding him of failures in the past. But, the teenager will
be equipped with the Bible and will be able to silence the devil. He can then go on in his
service for the Lord.
Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Two
As teenagers begin to get jobs in the world, the pressure from peers becomes
stronger. There is a degree of peer pressure within the Christian school/church youth
group setting that must be dealt with, but even more so as the teenager gets out into the
world and is working with lost teenagers on the job. There must be some training and
preparation beforehand or the teenager may succumb to the pressures and decide to “try
the world”.
The teenager must learn that there is a difference between friendships and
acquaintances. A teenager’s closest friendships need to be with the other Christian
teenagers in his youth group or Christian school. As he begins to come into contact with
other teenagers through work or a community sports league he will be confronted with
the temptation to make close friends of the lost teenagers he meets. The Bible says in
James 4:4 that “friendship with the world is enmity with God”.
II Corinthians 6:14-15, 17
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ
with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? . . .
come out from among them and be ye separate.”
Therefore, to have a close friend who is lost goes against the principles we find in
God’s Word. We must encourage the teenager to be a good testimony and witness to the
lost teenagers he meets, but also refrain from developing close friendships with them.
Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Three
Sometimes teenagers will express fears they have concerning different situations
in their lives. We must never make light of their fear no matter how minor it may seem
to us as adults, because to them it is very real. Instead, we need to help them Biblically to
overcome their fears. God has given us many promises and commands regarding fear in
His Word. Here are few of them that we can share with a teenager who is fearful.
1. God promises to help us in our fear.
Isaiah 41:13
“For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear
not; I will help thee.”
The teenager is not alone in his fear; God is right there holding his hand!
2. God promises that we will be safe if we hearken to Him.
Proverbs 1:33
“But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet
from fear of evil.”
The promise hinges on whether or not the teenager is truly hearkening unto
the Lord.
3. Fear does not come from God.
II Timothy 1:7
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.”
It is not God’s desire for His child, the teenager, to be fearful. He desires him
us to have the peace of mind that only He can give.
4. God desires to give us good things.
Luke 12:32
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the
This verse has such a tenderness in the way God speaks to His children as a
“little flock”. It is as if He wants to put His arms around the teenager to let
him know that He is there beside him.
5. God commands us not to fear men.
Proverbs 29:25
“The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in the
Lord shall be safe.” (See also Isaiah 51:12)
God is all-powerful and is stronger than anything that any man might try to do
to the teenager.
6. God promises us His peace.
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
When a teenager truly has the peace that only God can give, he will not fear.
7. Even in death, we should not fear because God is with us.
Psalm 23: 4
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear
no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
There are many things that teenagers may admit that they fear. Some of these
may include the fear of taking tests, meeting new people, public speaking, driving a car,
or even dying. These fears are very real to them and we must take them seriously.
We must remind the teenager who their God is. He is a God of love. I John gives
us the answer to fear.
I John 4:18
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear
hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
Jay Adams said in his book The Christian Counselor’s Manual, “The fear of God
is the one fear that removes all others. The enemy of fear is love; the way to put off
fear then, is to put on love.”29 He then goes on to contrast love and fear. He says,
“Love is self-giving; fear is self-protecting. Love move towards others; fear shrinks
29 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual, 414.
away from them.”30 They are opposites, but we are given the promise that love is
stronger because it hast the power to “cast out” fear. No amount of “positive thinking” or
any other gimmick can do what the Bible says “perfect love” can do! We know that God
is love and so ultimately it is He that gives the victory over fear!
As counselors, we must encourage the teenager to first of all recognize that his
fear is real and that it goes against God’s love. Therefore, his fear is wrong and sinful.
He must see that his fear will hinder his relationship with God and so it must be dealt
with. Then he must face the object of his fear and realize that through God’s love he has
the power to overcome the fear.
In most hymnals in our Baptist churches we find the well-known hymn, “Trust
and Obey”. This song tells us that “there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust
and obey”. When a teenager is fearful he is not happy. The Bible says, “If ye love me,
keep my commandments.” As Christians, we are simply to obey out of love for our God.
God commands us to place our faith in Him and when we don’t, we are demonstrating
the fact that we don’t love Him as we should. The teenager must know that through the
love of God he has the answer to his problems with fear.
30 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual, 414.
Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Four
As we deal with conflicts between teenagers, we will find that many times the
root of the problem is envy. It could be envy of another teenager’s possessions, his
looks, his friends, his family, his standing with authority, or his talents and abilities.
Whatever it may be, the root is the sin of envy and it must be dealt with Biblically. We
as counselors must be ready to share from the Bible why envy is wrong and what the
consequences of envy are. Here are some verses that we can use.
1. God commands us not to desire another’s possessions.
Deuteronomy 5:21
“Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet
thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant,
his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
When a teenager envies another’s possessions, he is sinning against God and
will be out of fellowship with Him.
2. God tells us that envying brings confusion.
James 3:16
“For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”
When there is conflict between teenagers it brings disharmony to the entire
youth group. We must stress to the teenager that his sin of envy is affecting
3. Envy will destroy from the inside out.
Proverbs 14:30
“A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the
Envy doesn’t hurt the one that is being envied! It rots the bones of the one
who is doing the envying!
4. Envy is a stronger evil than wrath and anger.
Proverbs 27:4
“Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before
Often we think of anger as being such a terrible sin because of the outward
actions that we see, but the sin of envy is more powerful and destructive than
anger or wrath!
5. Envy desires vain glory.
Galatians 5:26
“Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying
one another.”
The glory that is achieved from trying to out-do another teenager is vain. It
doesn’t glorify God and He doesn’t find pleasure in one who is seeking such
glory for himself.
6. The Bible says we are not to envy sinners.
Proverbs 23:17-18
“Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all
the day long. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not
be cut off.”
It is sometimes tempting to envy the lost teenagers and what they see as their
“freedom”. We must remind the teenager that we counsel of the “end” that is
coming for both a lost teenager and the “end” that will come for a saved
Envy leads to fretting and self-pity and eventually can become all-consuming.
The teenager feels he can not be happy if he doesn’t have the exact thing he is envying.
It also becomes a habit and the teenager begins to envy everyone he comes into contact
with. This sin of envy must be dealt with Biblically. Heather Paulsen said in her book
Emotional Purity, that “to be envious is to doubt God’s love for you and His
sovereignty in your life.”31 Satan loves to plant the seed of doubt in the minds of
Christians and one way he does this is through the sin of thinking that God must love
others more because of what He has blessed them with. This lie of Satan causes the
Christian to take his focus and trust off of his God! We must remind the teenager that
God desires him to be content with what he has been given. Heather Paulsen goes on to
31 Paulsen, Heather Arnel, Emotional Purity, 85.
say that “a key to having a deep personal relationship with God is contentment.
Why? Easy. When you are fully content, you say that you are 100 percent, totally
willing to accept whatever God wants to throw your way—the good, the bad, and
the ugly.”32
We must encourage the teenager to empty himself of self and take on the mind of
Christ Jesus as we are admonished in Philippians 2. He was the perfect example of
selflessness in being willing to “take upon him the form of a servant” and “humble
himself” and “become obedient unto death, even the death of the cross!” In the same
chapter of Philippians the Bible says:
Philippians 2:3, 4
“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of
mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man
on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
The teenager must confess his focus on self and begin to focus on the Lord and
After a teenager recognizes his sin, and confesses and repents of it, he is ready to
begin to develop a safeguard against the temptation to be envious. The first step he can
take is to begin praying for the good of others. He needs to pray specifically that God
would bless those around him in the different areas of their lives.
Romans 15:2-3
“Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. For
even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of
them that reproached thee fell on me.”
The next step is to begin to appreciate the gifts and talents that God has given
others. We as counselors can help a teenager to identify the spiritual gifts that the people
around him have and how God can use those gifts in their lives. Instead of being
envious, the teenager will begin to appreciate how each person working together with
their God-given gifts can bring more glory to Him!
Ephesians 4:7, 16
“But unto every one of us is given grace according tot he measure of the
gift of Christ. . . From whom the whole body fitly joined together and
compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual
working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto
the edifying of itself in love.”
32 Paulsen, Heather Arnel, Emotional Purity, 86.
The last step is to speak out and encourage those around him. As the teenager
begins to look beyond himself and tries to encourage others, it will bring him
encouragement and joy as well. He will see that their lives aren’t as “perfect” as he once
thought and that God can use him to encourage others!
Envy only brings suffering and heartache. The psalmist wrote of this in Psalm 73.
In verses 2-3 he tells how he had slipped because he “was envious at the foolish”. Later
in the chapter (vs. 21-22) he states that the result of his envy was that his “heart was
grieved” and that he was “foolish” and “ignorant”. Obviously, his envying did not
bring him joy and happiness. He was miserable! Let us help the teenagers we counsel to
overcome this destructive sin of envy!
Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Five
There are times when a teenager will come to us who is filled with anger.
Whether he is angry with his parents or some other person in his life, or he is angry with
his circumstances, his anger must be dealt with Biblically.
Two types of angry people are those who “blow up” and those who “clam up”.
Discovering the sin of anger in one who blows up isn’t hard, but it can be more difficult
with those who just “get quiet” and stew on the inside. However, the sin problem is still
the same for both. So, we as counselors need to be discerning as we pray for guidance in
pointing out and dealing with the root problem. The results of both of these types of
angry people are basically the same. The one who “blows up” hurts others because of his
outward actions and also hurts himself as he will probably lose friends and the respect he
may have had. Also, the one who “clams up” hurts himself because he is storing all of
that anger inside which could cause physical problems, but he hurts others as well
because the anger inside of him will cause him to be miserable and not much fun to be
around. Therefore, he will probably lose friends as well.
Jay Adams writes in his book The Christian Counselor’s Manual about the trend
in psychiatric circles and group therapies in encouraging patients in the “free verbal and
physical expression of one’s emotions, particularly of hostility”.33 This idea of
“venting” is completely unbiblical. The Bible has much to say about anger and the
consequences of being an angry person. Here are some verses that we can share with
angry teenagers.
1. The end of an angry man is destruction.
Proverbs 25:28
“He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken
down, and without walls.”
2. An angry man causes problems for everyone around him.
Proverbs 29:22
“An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in
An angry teenager needs to see the problems his sin is causing not only in his
own life, but in the lives of those around him.
33 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual, 351.
3. An angry man will be hated.
Proverbs 14:17
“He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is
No one enjoys being around an angry person and soon he will find himself all
4. An angry man should be avoided.
Proverbs 22:24, 25
“Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou
shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.”
A Godly teenager should not have a close friendship with an angry teenager
because although he may just be trying to help, he will end up learning how to
be angry as well.
5. An angry man will be punished.
Proverbs 19:19
“A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if thou deliver him,
yet thou must do it again.”
God promises to punish an angry man, but he will also be punished by the
consequences of his anger . . . no friends, etc.
It is God’s desire to use our church youth groups in a great way for His glory.
But, so often, unresolved problems between teenagers keeps that from happening. In the
same way, when a teenager is angry against someone, whether it be a family member or
another teenager, his sin of anger is hindering God from doing a great work in his family,
his church, or his youth group.
The Bible tells us that when a brother offends us, we are to immediately go to that
brother to make things right. Instead, what often happens, is we sit and brood about it
until it turns into anger! Then, we begin to talk to others about the offense, causing them
to be angry as well. This happens so often in Christian youth groups, it is no wonder that
we are not seeing revival!
The first step is for the teenager to recognize and repent of his sin of anger. Then
he is ready to be reconciled with the ones with whom he is angry. Jay Adams said,
“Counselors must always divide the relationship (to God and one another) from the
issues and be sure that they do not attempt to deal with the latter until the former
has been rectified.”34 It is sometimes easier to deal with the symptoms rather than the
root problem. However, as a teenager develops the mindset to seek solutions God’s way,
he will find the solutions because God is ready to help him!
The angry teenager must learn to love and the greatest example of love is the Lord
Jesus Christ. If a teenager will focus on learning about and imitating his God, he will
find that anger replaced with a love for those around him. He will find it natural to be
kind and tenderhearted when it is Christ living and loving through him.
34 Adams, Jay E., The Christian Counselor’s Manual, 366.
We have in no way covered every possible counseling situation that might
be faced with Christian teenagers, however, we can rest assured that nothing is “new” to
God and He is there to guide our words as we seek to give His counsel. Our Christian
teenagers are truly worthy of our time and effort in helping them to see life “through
God’s eyes”. May we open our eyes and hearts to their need and give all the glory to
God as they choose to surrender their problems and ultimately their lives to God.
1. Adams, Jay E. How to Help People Change.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1996
2. Adams, Jay E. The Christian Counselor’s Manual.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1973
3. Berg, Jim. Changed Into His Image.
Greenville, South Carolina: Bob Jones University Press, 1999
4. Bobgan, Martin and Deidre. Prophets of Psychoheresy I.
Santa Barbara, California: EastGate Publishers, 1988
5. Chappell, Paul. Grace for Godly Living.
Lancaster, California: Striving Together Publications, 2005
6. Elliot, Elisabeth. Passion and Purity.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company, 1984
7. Elliot, Elisabeth. Quest for Love.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company, 1996
8. George, Elizabeth. A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart.
Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2003
9. Harris, Joshua. I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Books, 1997
10. Ludy, Eric and Leslie. When God Writes Your Love Story.
Sisters, Oregon: Loyal Publishing, Inc, 1999
11. Mazak, Dr. Greg. Counseling Techniques.
Greenville, South Carolina: Bob Jones University Press, 1995
12. Murray, Kathy L. Modesty a Matter of the Heart.
North Pole, Alaska: Ministering Seed to the Sower, 2005
13. Owens, Dr. Jeff. Practical Counseling Principles for Christians.
Crown Point, Indiana: Owens Publications, 1998
14. Paulsen, Heather Arnel, BSW. Emotional Purity.
Enumclaw, Washington: Winepress Publishing, 2001
15. Pyle, Hugh F. Sex, Love, & Romance.
Pensacola, Florida: A Beka Book Publications, 1989
16. Pyle, Hugh F. Triumph Over Trouble.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1993
17. Stafford, Nancy. Beauty by the Book.
Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, Inc, 2002
18. Strong, James, LL.D., S.T.D. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990
19. Whaley, K.A. A Handbook on Christian Counseling.
Orlando, Florida: Daniels Publishing Company, 1982
20. Wiersbe, Warren W. When Life Falls Apart.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House Company, 2000
21. Yohannan, K.P. The Road to Reality.
Carrollton, Texas: GFA Books, 2004
22. Rebuilder’s Guide.
USA: Institute in Basic Life Principles, Inc., 1982
23. The Bible Promise Book.
Uhrichsville, Ohio: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated